Chapter 5

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We decided to head back inside to dance for a while before heading home.

When we got inside we could hear cheering and chanting. Following the sounds to the room that held a pool table.2 girls lay on top of the pool table surrounded by guys who kept chanting " SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" They were doing body shots.

"Fuck" Tyler swore, pushing to to the front.My eyes fell on a dark haired guy that was bent over the redheaded girl on the opposite end of the pool table for a shot.

He looked up and once again my eyes locked with those gorgeous hazel eyes.

Without looking away he took the shot from between the girl's breasts, swallowed in 1 quick gulp and then slammed his shot glass down.

Then he started walking toward me with a predetory gleam in his eyes. He was the hunter and I was his prey...

He was much taller than my 5'3". Probably a whole foot taller. With his looming height and smoldering looks he gave off a dangerous vibe.

Normally I'm level headed enough to stay away from things deemed dangerous but there was something about this guy that stopped me from looking away.

Tyler steps between me and Mr. Dark and Dangerous. Before I can even comprehend what's happening Tyler back hands the guy in the chest.

"Dude! Do you have any idea who that is?" Tyler hisses looking back over at the pool table. Without giving the guy a chance to reply he says "That's Miller Hartfords granddaughter. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Relax man. You're my cousin, not my mother. Mind your own business" he replies, unconcerned.

Cousin? Wait! This is Nate?

Tyler had told us earlier that he lived here with his cousin Nate, who owned the house, and that we would probably run into him later on. I just didn't expect him to be the same guy from upstairs!

I am. such. an. idiot! I mentally chastise myself for ever thinking he could possibly be interested in me.

That look in his eyes that I mistook for interest was more than likely anger. Shit! He probably wants to kick me out of his house for walking in on him with that girl and then standing there staring at him like a crazy person.

"You're being rude Ty. Why don't you introduce me to your new friends?" Nate ask, looking at Cassie and I.

Tyler sighs before turning to face us again. "This is the girl I was telling you about, Cassie. Cassie this idiot is my cousin Nate."

"It's nice to meet you Nate."

"And this... is her best friend Jenna"

"Well aren't you a little thing" he smirks, then he says "Don't worry kitten I don't least not too hard" and winks at me!

"Oh brother" Tyler grumbled. "Don't mind him Jenna, he's drunk."

I must not be hiding my nerves very well, I think and creep closer to Cassie's side.

Nate let's out a deep throaty chuckle that cause something within me to tingle."You're just jealous that even drunk I'm more charming than you are."

He hooks an arm around Tyler's neck and ask "So, are you ladies enjoying my party?"

"Sure, it's great and your house is amazing but we should really get going." Cassie says.

Oh Thank God! I love my best friend for sensing my need to get out of here!

"Already? We haven't even danced yet?" Tyler asks, disappointment coloring his tone.

"It's still early! Stay, we'll get some drinks and have some fun, maybe play a little strip poker." Nate says with a lecherous grin.

"We have long drive so we really should be going." Cassie says looking to me.

I nod in agreement. I know she wants to stay with Tyler longer and I'm a total bitch for making her leave but I need to get away from him before I  do something stupid.

Like ask to lick his yummy looking 6 pack.

Something about him makes me want to do things very out of ordinary for me. Which is why I need to stay away from him.

"Well it was nice to meet, I'm sure we'll see each other again, real soon." Nate says to Cassie but his eyes remain on me.

Tyler walks us to our car and I get in immediately so I can give them a minute. Cassie gets in after saying goodbye to Tyler and we pull away from the party.

"So are you going to tell what was going on back there or am I supposed to guess?" Cassie asks.

I don't understand it myself, how was I supposed to explain it to her? Instead I lean my head against my window and mutter "Not tonight."

Later as I lay in bed replaying the night in my head I realize that I was so focused on Nate that I didn't even notice that Travis had left and I never got to say goodbye.

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I hope you liked it.

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