Chapter 16

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God help me, I was losing my mind. I was seriously thinking about agreeing to this charade. Especially since he was giving me that cute pouty face. Just last night he was an ass to me. I was kissing another guy to forget him. And now he wants me to be his girlfriend.

"If I were to say yes, how would this work exactly?" I couldn't help my curiosity, I had to know.

"We would have to be like a real couple. Like we were in front of Olivia. If we're not believable my mother be able to tell. She's already looking for this to be over."

"So we just pretend to be together in front of other people? We barely know each other. We are from two different worlds. We won't be comfortable enough around each other and people will be able to tell."

"You seemed pretty comfortable in my bed the other night." He says with a cocky smirk.

"Maybe you should try being a little less of an ass. You are asking me for a favor, not the other way around. Besides there is nothing in it for me."

"Well you get to stay here for free." I gape at him and he continues. "But I'll sweeten the deal, just for you. Hmmm... How about a friends with benefits deal? I'll pay you back in orgasms?" When I gasp and he winks at me.

"Not all of us have sex on the brain twentyfour- seven like you."

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. Maybe you need me to give you a reminder." He starts to lean toward me and I jump off the bed.

"You can keep the orgasms, you'll need them. I'll be your girlfriend, on one condition." I smirk.

"Name it."

"For however long we play this little game of yours, you can't hook up with anyone. If you are going to tell everyone I'm your girlfriend and you expect people to believe it you can't keep screwing random bimbos. I refuse to look like an idiot cause my "boyfriend" is sleeping around."

He hesitates and silence surrounds us. Finally he let's out a sigh of defeat and agrees. "Fine but that goes for you too. You can't kiss douches like Donahugh if we are together."

"I have no idea who you are talking about but unlike you I have no problem keeping my lips and other body parts to myself."

He rolls his eyes and holds out his hand. "Deal?"

I place my hand in his and we shake on it. "Deal"

"So my mom invited me to dinner on Friday night. I think you should come with me."

"But I wasn't invited."

"Well I'm inviting you. I have a feeling Celeste will be there. My mom said she gets back from Europe this week."

"Fancy." I mumble. "I can't go. What if your family asks questions about us? What would we tell them?  We know nothing about each other."

"I know you're a virgin." He smirks.

I gasp in shock then set my hands on my hips and glare at him. "Do you know why I'm still a virgin?"

He shrugs carelessly. "I don't know maybe you're waiting for Mr. Right."

"I am looking for Mr. Right but I don't believe in sex before marriage. I want to give myself to the man I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, the man that I love."

He stares at me, then swallows hard. Just when I think he might say something mature he says, "What if Mr Right sucks in bed? You'll be stuck with him for the rest if your life."

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