Ch 17 - The Bet

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Now my girlfriend knows I like a nice gamble here and there. The risks, the stakes, and the pay off. Though she hates it. Hates it! Even if it's just small things that don't require money. You and Reen go again hand to hand. Let's go.



Shohei ready and drawing your long sword. This was more relieving knowing that this was going to just a friendly spar with no real lose. A night out with your girlfriend or she cooks for you. All it mattered now was your progress on fighting. Which was precautionary since, let's face it Reen is crazy.

Longsword drawn this was going to be tense on how to break down those walls and get through those moves. Do you wait for her to open up and cheapshot? See her stamina amount before yours runs out? Swing like crazy? Power through? A few tricks? This is when the overthinking brain of yours can cripple you. Personality. You know she's a little crazy. In comparison to the other girls that is.

"You better be ready Hun." She taughted.

"One blade or two?"

"Why should I tell you? I want my date!"

"As do I. But I can't lose." You hold your center to with your body. Eyes closed. "Not personal." You stayed course and hope she was going to make the first move. Hope this opening works.

Reen was just getting aggravated. Her temper starting to flare up. "What are you doing?" She barked.

"..." You said nothing. One.

"Hey! I know you can hear me."

And a two.

"That's it. Come here." She jetted over.

You built up the propulsion in your I.S. unit. It was all part of your plan. Knowing your girlfriend you thought about a hole that could be in her technique. Time to hit the drawing board.

This a long shot. But let's play a game. My partner can build up rage quickly. Then once that game face drops she should get nervous or surprised. When realizing I hit with this she will get thrown off balance. Will she panic or lose confidence? Only one way to fight out.

"Here I come you idiot!"

Steady. Stand by. You open your eyes as your mind sees her leaning forward. She pulled back a swing in air and this is when you had your ultimate opening. Letting all the stored inertia blast off at once. Blade tilted at an angle and charging as powerful as your unit would possible. "JOUST!" Making contact with her she was shocked as you swung your longsword as if it were a Mizuno baseball bat to watch her sore away from you. "Got it right for once."

(Mizuno is a Japanese baseball company. I use them myself. Recommend the bat in composite wood.)

Reen was blown away. Not seeing it coming from a mile. Did she underestimate you? Looking at her energy level having a chunk out of it she was not happy. "Excuse me?" She huffed trying to pick herself up as a loli humpty dumpty.

"Nope." I got to move when I can. I have to slow her down. Otherwise I'll give her the upper hand and lose. On her way to recover you strike again.

"Gah." She moaned after the hit. As you get back again. "Mine!"

Lingyin was beside herself seeing you fight for what seemed the first time you even had the upper hand. Starting to send it was a perfect time for the downward blow. Bursting upwards and zooming down fast as the wind. Tackling your girlfriend's I.S. and you hug on. She tried to swing her weapons to break you free. It was cutting down your energy bit by bit as both of you were getting way too close from the ground. Reen would be done for.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" She screamed bracing for impact.

You use the boosters in the opposite direction to quickly stop the massive fall. Then hover slowly to touchdown to Earth. Still holding her. "How about we call it even and we do both?" You propose.

"Why? You should have done it." She argued. "And I only landed a few hits."

"Hold on Ling. You see what's your energy at?"


"I'm at 313. If you landed down at the bottom it would be a tie for both of us. We would be at zero. Or close to it. Tell you what. Cook on your own time and this weekend I will figure something out. Good?"

"Fine by me. Better next time don't hold back. That's why you call it training."

You chuckle. "Even if I'm only being nice. I got you Ling."

Over in the seats Tatenashi was applauding. Happy that her skills paid off teaching him. "Well then Ichika looks like he's battling for top guy at the school. Though credit to him."

"What did you teach him? How did he do it on his own?" He asked.

"If you see his transcript and the way he takes notes don't let it fool you that he isn't intelligent. By far an honor student. It's just slow when it gets to the unit because of belief. When he gets in a rhythm I believe he will just lash until he physically can't. I'll find out more about his technique. That will be tomorrow's lesson Ichika Dear. I'll have him in the morning and have you at night. Hope you're ready for me. Hehe." She closed her fan and winked at him. "Bye now. Bye Houki."

"Bye." She grumbled.

Oh Houki you have a better body. Lay off the anger and he may be yours. Though he's a great guy. Wish he was smarter. Oh well.


Finally! Able to kick some ass. To the girlfriend but the flow is getting there. The technique and all. Respect the process.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Double Ramen (Lingyin X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang