Ch 12 - U.I.S.

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The unidentified infinite stratos unit is in the realm of all of you. Primarily you and Ichika. Time to bring it on. Training is over. This is real. Can't afford any slips now.



Can't run now. It will just come after us. Something seems sketchy. An all black I.S. unit and it seems to not to be communicating. "Who are you and state your business." Sword drawn and not waiting around long.

"..." No answer. Not even a flinch or reaction. No facial feature or hair could be seen near the head area. Something did seem off.

"Ichika?" You looked over.

"Do we just dive in there?" He asked.

"I think I'm trash with a sword at the moment. What's this we stuff. If you want me to shoot around you I can. I'll watch your back. Be careful Ichika. Something seems off. This one's different."


"Brainwashed or just machine. I don't know why. Go for it." You and Ichika weren't going to just dash inside of there. That was just stupid to even think of it. But then being in the same air as an unknown unit was dangerous enough. Couldn't get worse. Jinx or not. "Try this." You burst the shock cannon and it evaded. "Damn. Guess Nashi was right."

Ichika was confused. "Wait. You sure you and Tatenashi are not close?"

"Another time. Before it fires."

"Got it." As soon as he looked over it started firing with it seemed everything it got. "This girl is good."

"Something is still off. You're telling me this seems all normal to you?" You hovered next to him. "I watched hours and hours of film. Those movements looks a little too robotic don't you think?"

"Where are you going with this (FN)?"

"Straight as an arrow. Lack of bending in certain places. No grunts or sounds of breath. Yet, someone is inside the I.S. unit? And are we under fire? This is twice now. Is it a charged attack she's planning? No indicator. Ichika?"

"Yeah. Back to Nashi. She just wanted to train me. It's worked." You tilt your head to indicate to move slowly closer to the unit. "Training hard everyday morning and night while cooking and studying with Reen. Hard but all worth it. In all honesty I wouldn't want anything else from it." Meters closer still no attack or movement. Which was strange. Why would an enemy let an opponent keep their guard down. Let alone for long amounts of time when they do not need to recover. 

"How is living with her?"

"She gets annoyed when I knock before I enter but in actuality I fear that she's in a tank top and not wearing pants behind the door. You know how this goes." Then back to the subject at hand. "Geez this thing is prepping for something. But what?"

< Roomie. >

< Reen? What's up? >

< Can we double canon this? >

< When I give the order. > "See Ichika? Why is it so concerned with our thoughts?"

"I'm not sure. Final strike attack?" He asked throwing it out there.

< Hey girls. If all of you read Ichika and I are going in. You will see us launch back and when you do blast this thing to hell. > "Ready Ichika? I mean keep the conversation going for a second."

He liked this strategy. It bought time which was important to settle the nerves and adrenaline. "I'm in." This time the dust was clearing. "Now!"

Both leaping over and jabbing your weapons into the cockpit area. Both blades stuck as the I.S. is charging another attack. < Fire! > You cried.

< Are you insane? > Asked Cecelia.

< Get out if there. > Agreed Reen.

< Just do it! We'll be fine. >

The shock canon, the sniper, and everything else blasted away. You push Ichika away and you slide your sword out with mere nanoseconds away from friendly fire. Though you got hit with the recoil explosion from something going kaput from the enemy.

< (FN)! > Cried Reen.

The radius from the blow sprung Ichika back. Let alone you that was a mere few meters. When you crash landed on your side your I.S. shield went to zero. Everything disappeared as you skipped like a rock and continued to skid across the ground. The impact made you lose conciousness as you skipped twice more before Charlotte scooped you up like groundball from a baseball field. Out like a light as Miss. Orimura and Miss. Yamada came to assess the damage.

"Get him to the infirmary. Miss. Yamada get this unit examined and make sure it has no tracker. This may only be the beginning of our problems at hand. In short there will be more." Miss. Orimura gave the order and she was not pleased. Not at the teamwork to win the battle but the carnage it caused.

"He saved me..." Mumbled Ichika.

"Roomie..." Lingyin was beside herself. "I'll see you soon. Be well."

Charlotte looked at you. Just exhausted. Pale face and motionless. "Well he certainly has had enough. No?"

"Ni. The fact he used himself to make sure we hit our target. Not bad. Though not the best idea." Laura analyzed the results at hand. Pleased but wish it was done different.

"But we have won. Ichika Dear are you alright?" Asked Cecelia.

"A little shaken up is all. He saved me there. Let's carefully get him some help. My sister and Tatenashi will be waiting for us. Let's get there soon."


Least second time around getting slammed into the ground for for a cause and it won the battle. Though maybe next time you stand tall. Good work. Hopefully you will heal up soon.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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