Ch 24 - Bug Repel

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With your I.S. in other hands what else is going to happen?



The days have been very long. This felt like pieces missing from you and Reen. Instead of training with your units you have went to the gym. Help keep your body in shape but just wasn't the same. The sweat, tactics, and adrenaline were like no other. Nothing could have replaced the feeling of flying in an I.S. and your girlfriend felt the same. Though by day eight it was killing you. But at least the glass was replaced and the room cleaned of any shards. That itself was a relief instead of sharing someone's bed. Nashi, Charlotte, or Laura is just nerve-wracking.

You had a pot of a special noodles and were just in the bathroom washing up. Shirt was off so you can wash your face from the sweat caused by the steam. 

Reen entered the room. "Yay. Food." She ran over to the pot. "Smells so good."

"Woman I demand noods." You called out.

"Honey! You some kind of pervert?"

"Actually," You wipe your face with a washcloth. "I was referring to the food. Made something special since I'm troubled."

Reen just looked at your chest. "Wow you've been at it."

"I guess. Pour me if you don't mind. I'm grabbing a shirt."

"You know that's coming off after I'm eating this bowl right?" She giggled.

"Hey hey what in the halibut does that mean woman?"

"It means I need cuddle time because I'm troubled. So join me and eat before it gets cold."

She had a point. Why put on a shirt if the thing is off in less then twenty? "Okay. Let's eat." She did pour you a bowl. Might as well eat up. Chopsticks in hand you dug in. What an almost perfect paradise. School work done, early evening, and your girlfriend just wanted to cuddle. Why not?

You finished up and Reen had already made herself comfortable on your bed. "Waiting." She called.

Could use it. Might as well. Though the shirt off thing throws me off. You don't cook with your shirt off so what the hell? So you plop on your bed and Reen hugs your torso. Your chest having her head and arms around your stomach. "Well then. Can't say I mind this."

"You mean you don't like my affection? The sleeping and eating together? The way I come home wearing an apron and underwear and crave you."

"Ling, where is this-"

"The way I just want to kiss and love you." Nose to nose. "Please."

"I love you too." You touch her lips and she forced her way to everything else. Gripping you ever so tightly. Breathing in from her nose to have every breath with you. Just wanting your love and affection. Kiss you until you two couldn't breath anymore.

Suddenly the door opened slowly. "Evening you- Oh my my." She smirked.

"Gah!" Reen seperated your lips and laid on her side.

"Sorry I am interrupting. Goodness. You love birds should lock the door." Teased Tatenashi.

"It's, fine." You sweat.

"Wow you've been working out."

"Hey! My Honey. Find your own sweetness." Reen was getting defensive.

"Darling Ichika is much too dense. But hey I always wonder what would happen if I never stole your cosplay Miss Lingyin."

"Shut up!" Reen was getting fired up. "Why are you here?"

"I came to get you two to come down to the hanger with myself, Yamada, and Orimura. We have made incredible progress and wish to fill you both in. Now if you can both get dressed I will bring you down. Or, maybe I can tell them tomorrow and I can give maybe, a little advice on what would make him happy." She winked.

"Hey! He's my Honey."

"Surely. Hehe. I'll wait outside then. Now Mr Handsome you can put those rugged abs away."


That was embarrassing. Reen was kissing you all over and Tatenashi was right there. Nashi thought it was cute seeing love in the air. Reen just got embarrassed and oh so jealous and possessive. Cute in the sense yet always nervous when she's angry. After you, properly made yourself presentable you have Tatenashi lead you back to the hanger. Your I.S. units were still being worked on.

"(LN). Fuang. Glad you reported." Said Miss Orimura.

"Thank you Director. What do you have to report?"

"Well kid did you ever think ever I.S. in the world was part of one of the good guys?"

"You know, that is a good point. Sounds logical but never thought about it like that outside countries owning units."

"Well this is a rogue ground known as Bugs. They are testing how to corrupt I.S. units in battle. In this case the infection making contact with the device makes it glitch and lack the responsive timing. In short unable to battle. With that information they would sell it to the highest offer. Could be a country that would imprison them, or one that could be in the wrong hands."

"Sweet Mama..."

"I'll put it this way kid, those broads need to be struck down. What they failed to realize is we were able to track them to their whereabouts. This is no easy task. I'm sending you, your partner, the President, Orimura, and the others along with you since you have personal I.S.'s. Tomorrow you test your units and two days after strike at dawn to get the advantage on them. The Bugs organization will not get in our way."

"Miss Orimura how do we thank you?"

"Kicking their asses in check. Nothing less. Got it?" She ordered.

"She ma'am."


Time to strike back and make it count. Ready up and be on guard. Because that's how it goes. You don't plan on evening the score. You will win. War won, damage done.

Hope all enjoyed, vote for more, and thanks for making this happen. Any comments, critique, or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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