Ch 4 - Smoking Hot

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A friendly roommate cool off is in order. I'm kinda jealous actually. Maybe if I cut back a I can see if I can do something. Preferably hop on a train and head to a ramen house and make a skate trip out of it but at the very least get it by my home. Been looking into recipes too. One even included smoked eggplant which is shocking to me.



It was going to be interesting working on top of each other with only one stove. But each were to have a pan and pot a piece. Reen went into the fridge and got out the noodles, chicken, pork, eggs, assorted vegetables, spices, herbs, and different sauces and broths.

(FN) looked around at the items in from of him. Only one pot. I can soft boil the eggs in the pot. Let's see. Continuing to scan everything. Pork belly is awesome for ramen. Scallions and some mayu and I'm golden.

(Mayu is black garlic oil)

Reen seemed confident in her own element. Thinking this was her specialty she was fired up for the challenge. "You think you can honestly win?" She asked.

"Honestly? Well if you put it that way no."


"I'm not completely sure is all."

"Yeah right. No time limit. We have to share this you know."

"Noted Reen. Though I got everything I need right here. Don't need any handicaps. I have my favorite ramen dish sitting right on this counter."

She smirked. "Chicken or pork?"


"What!?" Gasped Reen.

"Kidding. I'm porking it."

"Don't be lewd and joke about delicacy!" Squeaked Reen.

"Maybe Cecelia should try cooking vegan then if what you say is true. Sorry for the jokes. Kind of loosening up. Ichika thought it would be a good idea. He's the man."

Reen sighed happily. "Yeah. Ichika is something else."

I sense a crush. "Got it..." Little awkward but not the time to get into it. Time to rock and have the ramen broth warm. This was going to be an exciting dinner. Though who expect some girl in twin tails was going to be your opponent in anything?


It was crunch time as the pots of ramen were needing their finishing touches. He look at inside and was happy the way it's turned out. Pork is cooked perfectly, eggs are soft and not too runny, the scallions aren't crunchy and overpowering, and the noodles are soft. It just went your way. Salt content not out of balance and counting down the seconds before pouring it into the bowl. "Reen this is one of the best bowls I have ever made. I joke not."

"Please. I've had this recipe since I was a little girl. Try me." Both of them put the bowls in front of each other and pulled apart chopsticks. "Mine first." She insisted.

"Oh yeah? Sure thing. Here goes nothing." You pick up some noodles and take a bite. Smooth. Mild and fresh full of life. "Wow. Fulfillment of the soul. Nice. You try mine." 

"Let's see how this goes." She took a bite and stayed still. Her eyes widened. "My goodness. How did you do that?" Amazed Reen.

"Key is all timing. Notice the scallions aren't hard. Some like to use it as a garnish. This gives a crunch you don't like and the senses of smell and taste get too strong. Then just about when you put the eggs and pork in since they will cook slightly while in the pot. Then since the red meat already has a salt it can overpower the juices. Making this dish is difficult to come out but with balance this is very pleasing for the appetite. So Reen yours I loved on how fresh it is. Gives it life in presentation and feels good eating afterwards. So what do you vote on?"

She blushed and looked down. "You win."

"I think it's a tie."

"What the hell is that supposed to work? You beat me at my own game. But mark my words we will do this again and I will play to win and only win. Got that? You hear me? Only win." Little jealous and frustrated but she was happy she got to eat something nice.

"Sure. We'll do this again." Taking a look at the clock not too much time in the day left. "Guess I'll unpack and shower before it's your time. Got enough to do as is. But don't worry I'll change in the bathroom."

Reen nodded. "Thank you for being decent."

"I'm rooming with a girl. I have to otherwise I'm an immoral slimeball. Amongst many other names." He blushed.

"Well I don't see it. And you better not give me any reason to!" Smiling then barking at him.

Slight flinch. "Okay. Got it. I'm going to get to it." (FN) grabbed his bags and dragged them over to the closet. More like a wardrobe but it'll do. Plenty of hangers for his shirts and drawers to organize socks and underwear, pants, pajamas and other stuff. Being slow with it to fit everything and then of course alarm clock, toothbrush, and other personal items. By the time he was 90% done he looked at the clock. "Welp. Better get in there before it's your hour. I'll hurry up Reen. I'm getting my butt in the tub." He stood up and stretched before grabbing nighttime clothes and walked in the bathroom.

Reen blushed. Did you have to be raunchy about it?


He won. Day one is coming into a close with sleeping being the only obstacle in their way. Awkward or go by fine and some will just read too much into it?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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