Ch 21 - The Oomph

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Question. If Cecelia served Chef Gordon Ramsay soup would he tell her that it's dry? Food for thought.

Well this isn't all rainbows. Time for more ass kicking and I am a man with a plan for it.



You find yourself sleeping at your girlfriend raised her head. "Morning Hun." She yawned. You turn over and she shook her head. "Hun?"

"What time is it?"


"Nighty." Soft snore.

"Really? Don't you have training?"

"Day off won't hurt."

"If I grabbed a kendo stick and came in here would it get you out?"

"A guy can't cuddle with his girlfriend for a few minutes? I mean come on Lingyin."

"Okay (LN)!"

You turn over. "Why the sass? I'll tackle you."

"I'll boil you."

"Ling!" *Bob's Burger's voice*

"Yeah Hun? Need something?"

"I know something you need." You throw the covers off and wiggle your fingers. "Tickle hell."

"Wait!" She squirmed as you knew her spots were upper chest and neck. Then bursted out laughing. "Haha! Hey! Cut that out! Haha! Wooooooo!"

Then you let her go and jump off the bed. Lingyin tried to catch her breath as you had other plans. A belly flop on top of her. "Atracking Loli!"

"Wahhh!?" She flinched. You plop on her as she starts trying to get you off. Reen famn well knows she doesn't have the strength which came the funny part.

You moved in waves like a boat. "Check the hatches Capt'n Loli."

"Ugh!" She tried to budge.

"I'm taking on water Capt'n Loli."

"Idiot!" She kicked you.

"Release the hitting Capt'n Loli!" You jumped of the bed for real. "I'm good. My bad. Totally my bad." Reaching your hands out in case she threw something.

"Phew. Alright Hun you won. Now let's get to class."

"I guess so."


A tall woman with purple hair was reading a computer screen. The boss looked over. "Gladys do you have the execution planned?" Said a voice.

"Well ma'am I think the best way is to try it at night. Maybe a handful of personal I.S.'s and that's it. That's if they are able to get it together. Midnight students being awake mid week? It appears we have our time schedule. And Orimura doesn't have an I.S. anyone."

"What does that mean Gladys?" Said a short black haired woman.

"It means Rain that it was passed on to her brother. She's in command at the school and that's it."

"Good. She won't get in our way. Because no one blocks Bugs from their objectives."

Another woman with red hair and a lowcut shirt laughed. "Or know about them. What a joke."

"Shut up Chelse!" Ordered Rain.

"Sorry. But come one boss girl how we going to do this? Barge in and just leave a message? Capture an I.S.? In order for this to commence we need to make contact with one to start the infection."

"I'm with Chelsea here Rain. However if that one or two that come to us come in our contact then that means..."

"Yes Gladys. The infection. If they're close enough and it takes. I found a way to do this. It depends on if you know where they activate the I.S. unit. A little help from Bunny Genius and a handsome bribe and it was all good."

"Do we have have our next move? I mean surely you have planned this for a month knowing you." Asked Gladys. 

"Or more." Put in Chelsea.

"Girls thanks to the giddy bunny broad I know where to strike. I know where the personal I.S. units are dorming. Now Miss. Orimura's unit passed down is with the President of the student body. I don't give a damn if its hanky-panky or business I am not going near them. The German and Frenchy I won't both. But, the contenders of China and South Korea I think are our targets. They are the only ones we can go off of. If we strike the younger sister we are screwed and broke rules of the agreement."

"Fine Rain."


"I don't want a body count. I simply want to use this for experiment purposes and that is it. I have to report back to her. She has the power. She can shut all of us down if you think about it. She is almost the most powerful woman in the world." Rain couldn't stress this enough.

"And Bugs is going in deep. Let's fly ladies."


It was nearly 2 AM when it appeared no one was to be awake. Accept three women up to no good. No student for the most part unless they were last minute studying. The I.S. Academy was very well protected but nowhere near perfect. This had to be done quick. As soon as their cover would be blown and their units being identified and filed. The three wanted in and out. No fighting if they could help it. Dark as can be, catching the two targets off guard, infect their device, and flee. 

"Chelsea on you." Said Rain in a soft tone. 

The redhead had birdshot loaded in her shotgun. "One. Two. Three!" Fired away. Shattering the glass everywhere. A burglary alarm siren was going off. You and Reen couldn't even react. The two went from a steady sleep position to both of you falling out of the bed. You fell face first as your girlfriend got caught up in the blanket. 

"Do it!" Ordered Rain. She flew in next to you and grabbed your wrist that had your bracelet on. 

"Deploy!" You shouted trying to get her off. But your I.S. didn't partial activate like you wanted it too. As it glowed you saw this green energy sticking out of the bracelet. "What the hell!? Ling!" 

"Thanks kid." Rain kicked you square in the face as she took off running. Diving out of your dorm window and flying off. 

Gladys was finished with Reen as she crawled into a fetal position. Taking off as your girlfriend curled up in a ball frozen up. No fire inside of her. Shaking as she tried to pull herself together. Seeing her device turn green she was in panic mode. "(FN)!"

"No you don't!" You felt your I.S. deploy as you ran towards the window. You might be able to catch them. "Not if I can-" You lunged out the window and hope your wings turn the jets quick. But something was wrong. Your I.S. wasn't responding. You fell two stories by the time you got any propulsion. By the time it responded you jetted ten yards and your unit scrapped the ground causing you the burn out. A look at your wrist and your bracelet was a glowing green and at 286 energy.

"Hun!" Cried Reen from your dorm window. Alarm still going off. 

"Shit!" You panted as your defensive adrenaline was now set in. You were in panic mode too. You shock as you sat up. "Why was I attacked? What's wrong with my unit? This is wild. I could have been dead. So could she. Ling. I'm sorry. I take responsibility." You deploy your I.S. "Now to find Miss. Orimura."


Who's this organization and what ate they behind? This research is meant for something. But for what? Who are they? And what is their game?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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