Ch 26 - Rebuttal

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Time to finish this. Last chapter before the epilogue.

A bonus chapter after the epilogue too.



It was just time to breach and take down these three. Something made you calm about this. Was it the software from Tabane? Nashi and Ling calming you down? Or maybe just the concept of getting revenge. Doesn't matter what it is. You get to your spot. Ling to your right. Your mentor on the left.

< Aye. Ichh. Tell me when already. >

< Alright. Four. Three. >

Payback wamen.

< Two. One. >

You fire your canon through. "Breach!" You dive right in and aim right for Gladys. She was sitting down and about to be thrown out of her seat in the hardest way possible. The hardest punch you have ever thrown in your life. They messed with you, your girlfriend, and plotted against your home. Zero tolerance and unforgivable. Gladys flew back as you skid across the floor. "You bitches want South Korea? You'll need to get through me, Ling, and company."

"And just who- wait, you! You're that kid who got bugged." Said Rain.

"Correctomundo. And I dare you to try it again." You knew that you were up against stealth fighters. The numbers were there in your favor and they were out in the open. Letting your guard down to any evil organization wasn't smart. Particularly when it's I.S. involved. Though you had the weapons it was still nerve intensifying.

"Well little boy I don't care how many you are or what relations. We'll just sneak by and stop you dead in your tracks." Rain winked. 

"Yes. Do you have any idea the technology being processed in front of you?" Asked Gladys.

"Cheating wamen. Aye." You wink to piss them off real good.

Chelsea gasped. "The nerve of you ya brat. How do you expect to date a girl with that attitude?"

"Considering she's right next to me and is a lovely spitfire you could say we work things very well. Guy troubles Cherries?" You grinned. 

"You little brat!" Chelsea charged straight on. 

"Ladies." You nod. Tatenashi started to work with her nanobots. This is when the fun began. Using her little tiny bots it created a water-shield around you that couldn't be seen at first. As Reen was charging up the goods. Nothing a shock canon couldn't handle. 

"Take this brat." Chelsea charged but she only hit the barrier. "What?" She gasped.

"Ling." You called. 

"Right." Boom. Blastoff. Reen unleashed and that was going to eat about seventy-five percent of the shield energy. 

"So exactly how do you two want to handle this? Nashi I'll take it from here." You look at Chelsea who's trying to recover and retreat as you had the others to go. Your friends took a back seat on this one. Wanting you and your girlfriend to get your money's worth. Then Reen walks up next to you. Still wanting to do more. 

< Hun you thinking about a trap? > Asked Reen.

< Listen everyone we're going to give in to start the virus. You'll know when to open fire. Miss Crumpet I expect a headshot. > You mocked Cecelia but laid out the idea. 

< I am elite. Expect no less. > So confident Cecelia. What else would anyone expect?

"You brat. What the hell are you thinking? I'll just hack your I.S. and be rid of you." Threatened Rain.

Now this person didn't know that Tabane stopped by. Why tell her? Do her or her partners know any of it? Better see if you could use that mouth of yours to cash checks. After all your girlfriend definitely does. Laura has to a point. Then let's not forget Cecelia has given herself the title of Elite. Couldn't hurt. This was a game chess and they were down to a king and two pawns. Play around and see what can happen. At the end of it all these three disgraceful broads got one thing on their mind and that is to infect an I.S. unit which everyone has the C.H.S. or Counter Hack Software as put. To try and demolish them or play victim and have the computers do the work? So hard to choose.

"Well that Rin or Ron or whatever-"

"It's Rain! Not Ron! That's a guy's name."

"Well look in the mirror handsome." You winked at her.

"Come here you brat." She lunged right at you dead ahead.

You concentrate and start to see her come in slowly. Focusing on your cannon like Reen. But no charge. This was just going to be a quick stun. Powerful enough to do the job. Closer. She is clinching a fist. Little more. Her eyes are shut as she is ready for an all out blow. Boom. You blast one and duck while grabbing hold of her device. Making contact with yours as her I.S. device turns blue as she didn't even get a chance to recover. Gotcha bitch.

Holding onto her she did not know what was coming. She tried to free herself but the grip was too much. "What are you doing? Let go you brat." She demanded.

"Taste of your own medicine." Three... Two... One... "That should do it."

"You brat I'm going to-" She tried to fly back but it was no good. "The the hell!?"


Cecilia knew this was her cue and sniped Gladys right in the helmet. Since she remained standing still watching their leader she took the opportunity. Leaving Chelsea mostly on her own. Then aiming at Rain who was beside herself.

"What did you do?" Cried Rain.

"You know, anything software wise can be reversed and dished back. How much or how hard? Up to the programmer. In this case like you did to me I infected yours. Your I.S. is shut down unless you can reverse it. Which might take your friend Gladys over here about a few days."

"How? That's impossible. How did you get the software?"

"Oh? Do you not know my friend Houki?"

Houki stepped forward and withdrew her blade. Pointed it at her face. "Houki Shinonono."

"Uh-oh..." Worried Chelsea. "This was a mistake."

"Damn right. So wamen, what's it going to be?"


Bloodbath or turned in? Hmmmm. Maybe both. Either way those three girls are hosed.

Like it, comment freely, ask away, critique, and don't forget I love you all.


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