Ch 16 - Setting In (Mini)

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Is it hard being a boyfriend with many ladies around? Hard being a good boyfriend while she's the jealous type? Hard to know at the moment. We'll see.



Waking up for the next day was a little different than normal routine. Sleeping with the divider up this time around instead of down. The sun poked itself in as you slowly wakeup. Not just to sunshine but your new girlfriend cuddled next to you. She must have woken up not long ago and bundled up next you. In her own blanket and all. It was another day is paradise which was very nice.


"Morning Hun." She yawned. "Can I take ten?"

"Yeah I'm just going to..."

She wrapped around you so you would have to force her off. "No. Mine." Hard grip for a petite girl. You were snug.

It seemed all nice until you had a visitor. This was normal routine but she was in awe about it. "Awww. You two are so cute. Too bad you got training." Tatenashi was happy but knew the spitfire was coming.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Barked Reen.

"You know I'm his mentor. We do this every week."

"Awww are you jealous that I'm taking your roommate?" Asked Tatenashi.

"He's my boyfriend!" She shouted. Then realized she just said it for the first time.

"So cute. Tell you what. Today you slide. Be good now (FN) you officially have a girl to take care of." She walked her way towards the door. "Enjoy your rest Dear. Bye now." She closed the door behind her.

You let out a yawn. "I want to know if Ichika has the term boyfriend in his head?"

She got closer. Hugging around your head and looking eye to eye. "Doubtful. Tell me, do you know the term for me?"

"My girlfriend Ling? Something unique?"

"I like it." She kissed you. "Sorry when I'm harsh on you and others. Just want the best for everyone."

You smile. "Rough on the edges but sweet inside." You poke the top of her chest. "Fills the heart."

"Not the hand." She giggled.

"Boobs are overrated. I like pretty eyes and hair. That's just me."

"And if I did have them?" She asked.

"I guess take advantage because you pay attention to them a lot? Don't know. But really let's stop. I like your figure."

"Good enough." She threw her blanket on her bed. "Let's get into something serious. Make room." She lifted your covers.

"Reen!?" Wondering what the hell she had in mind for the time being. This was kinda crazy. "What's going on?" How lewd that could be.

"We have ten minutes before we get dressed and ready. I want a few cuddles and kisses. That too much?" She made a sad face. Digging into your senses how could one say no? Well outside the fact she's a bundle of chaos and just a good amount of crazy. "And this afternoon I want you to beat me in the arena."

"No holds bar? Energy to 100?"

"You bet."

"Put the cannons down and you're on."

"Okay Hun. Now love me." She slide your head into her chest. Her heart rate very calm at this moment in time.

I'm fighting my girlfriend. Why's this sound like an awful idea?


It was that time again. After classes and the arena was open. Tatenashi was in attendance waiting for this moment to see how much you improved and if you had the nerve to fight your roommate and girlfriend. Fanning herself next to Ichika and Houki.

"How do you think this is going to go?" Asked Ichika.

"Well Ichika those two don't really want to hurt each other but I'm sure they have an award for who wins. Maybe a date or so. Maybe some fun alone time. Or if I'm right, he'll be playing with those tiny dirty pillows."

"Uhhhh..." Clueless. As usual.

"If they are going to agree to fight they must have a reward in mind."

After deploying your I.S. you look at Reen. She's smiling though not overly cocky. Wanting to have you feel better about this. Plus she's learned about your improvements. No choking this time. She's not going anywhere.

Reen readied herweapon. "So to up the ante that way you don't intentionally lose we have a bet."

"Gambling against my girlfriend... how do you think I feel?"

"If I win this weekend we go on a date. If you win I serve you breakfast in bed and my sweet and sour pork for dinner before cuddles and a movie. Deal?"

"Oh Ling you are so on." You shook your head.

"What's that smirk!?"

"Because Dear, that's how ya get porked."


A setup chapter before the clash. Reen's experience, anger, and focus versus your composure and potential. Though your attributes aren't like a scouting report. She has the upper hand. Who wins?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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