Chapter II

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The Last Vampire Princess

A/N: this is one of the many rough drafts I made for this book.

Ana waited for Jackson in his front lawn. It always takes him a second or two before he comes out. Unlike Ana, Jackson's parents really do care about him. He just always lies to their faces and blows them off. If she had parents like his, she would be more than grateful.

A shadow appeared in front of his bedroom window, Ana squinted and realized it was him. He propped the window open with one push upwards and slipped out. Outside of Jackson's window is a ladder. Its been there for the past couple of years. It was planted there because the Forest's hired some workers who were helping redesign his house and had to get up to his window to paint the interior conveniently, it was left for him to use.

Stealth like a creeping snake, jumped off the ladder and landed lightly on a dark patch of grass. Knowing him, he was probably complimenting himself a million times about how amazing and awesome he was for jumping off a ladder like that. Ana made out his wide grin illuminated by the full moonlight. To a stranger it would have looked eerie, but to her it made her heart flutter.

As Jackson sauntered his way to the car, Ana realized what he was wearing. He wore a button down shirt, that was a dark indigo color. His pants were dark washed making his light blonde hair stand out more than usual, and he was wearing a small gemstone necklace. It was a blue crystal that had a black band wrapped around it. The crystal wasn't very big though, Ana was surprised that she even noticed it.

Why is he dressed so nicely? Was I supposed to dress nicely?

Ana glanced down at herself right when Jackson hopped into the car. She noticed that her clothes had a few ice cream stains on them, that she smelled of cookies' creme ice cream, and her hair was disheveled and several strands eecaped from her braid.

How come she didn't fix herself before she came to pick up Jackson? It's not that Ana likes Jackson or anything, but she knows that he likes it when people look clean. Jackson has a tiny bit of OCD or what he likes to correct her, CDO disorder.

A strong cologne hit Ana and she went into a fit of coughing. Jackson has never worn such a strong scent like this before. It felt like a pile of bricks were pushing down on to her lungs.

"Oh god, what is that stuff?" Ana opened her window half way and gasped trying to get in as much oxygen as she could.

"Just something that I got from the mall recently. I heard that it's the new chick magnet cologne and decided to try it. Feeling drawn to me?" Jackson directed one of his killer smiles that could make panties drop, but Ana didn't even notice.

She was too busy trying to breathe.

"What's it called? Lung Exterminator? Oxygen Sucker? Nose Executioner?" Ana pressed down on the accelerator and sped away. Jackson's home became a spot in the distance as they headed back on to the road.

"Does it really smell that bad?" Jackson opened the vanity mirror in front of his head. Probably to admire his attractive features.

"No. Not bad, but strong." Ana rolled her window all the way down and allowed the cool nighttime breeze sweep throughout the car.

"That's the point." Jackson stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Of course it is. She mentally eye rolled as she shifted her eyes scanning the road.

"Why aren't you dressed?"

Ana glanced at Jackson from the corner of her eye. She felt her cheeks blush with embarrassment about the way she looked. Ana knows that she looks trashy, but how was she supposed to know that she had to dress nice? Jackson didn't say anything to her over the phone about dressing nicely.

The Last Vampire Princess (Dark Romance) 16+Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя