celebration ; stray kids

Start from the beginning

"We're baking cookies?" Woojin asks.

"Yeah," says the girl, "I thought it would be fun. Plus, we get to eat them after."

"Okay!" Chan claps his hands while grinning, "Let's get started!"


"225 grams of butter, three or four eggs," (Y/N) listed down the ingredients as the two boys shuffled around the kitchen to try to find the needed materials. "Baking powder, milk, sugar."

"Yep, that's all we need," she turned off her phone and stuffed in inside her pocket.

Woojin grabbed a bowl and cracked the eggs in, Chan began to mix the milk, butter, baking powder and sugar, pouring the eggs in after the mixture was free of lumps, only to be under another mixing session again.

A few mess, laughs, and some time later, a ding was heard all over the kitchen, signalling that the cookies were done and ready to eat. Chan took a pair of oven gloves and bent down to take out the tray of freshly baked cookies.

"Alright!" (Y/N) clapped her hands once, a big smile on her face, "Let's decorate them!"

The trio then started to mix sugar, icing sugar and some water, adding chocolate powder as their selected flavor and started to put the finished icing in the tubes afterwards. They pulled out bottles of food coloring, putting different colors for each tube.

(Y/N) decided to start off with a simple flower decoration, while Woojin...well, he decided to draw chickens on his cookies. Chan just did some random lines, some candy canes being created by the leader.

After a little while, when the food was done and so were the drinks, the two males took the two trays of hot chocolate, whereas (Y/N) balanced in her two arms the tray of cookies.

"Is that food I see? Oh my gosh, I love you guys," Felix says. He was the first one to stand up to help (Y/N) carry the tray of cookies. She giggled, thanking him.

"Hey!" whined Chan, "You're not gonna help me?"

"You have arms. Put them to use," Minho sneered and high-fived Seungmin. The others laughed loudly, leaving Chan a lonely dad sulking because his children bully him.

"You hate your dad," he fake cried, "dad is hurt."

Jeongin covered his face with his palms in embarrassment, Seungmin looked like he wanted to die, Changbin had his resting bitch face on, Hyunjin was about to die from laughter, Woojin smiled but in reality he wanted to leave the room, Minho rolled his eyes and laid back on the couch, Jisung had this 'whut' look, Felix held his phone up and showed a meme, and (Y/N) giggled softly.

"Cute," she said.

"Alright, let's eat!" Hyunjin yelled and everyone sat on the carpet in a circle with the food laid out in the middle. (Y/N) was squashed in between Chan and Jisung. All of them started to grab cookies for themselves, taking one mug of hot chocolate each.

"If I may ask," the girl starts, "why are you guys here?"

"Why? Don't you want us here?" Jeongin says sadly.

"No, it's not that," she felt bad for making him think like that. "It's just that...you know, you should be spending Christmas with your families rather than me."

"(Y/N)," Woojin says and puts down his cookie, "you're our family. You're practically our little sister now. And when we do something, we do it all as one. Like the great EXO once said, we are one."

The girl giggled when she heard the name of her favorite group.

"Aw, thanks you guys."

"Don't cry just yet, we have something for you," Jisung pokes her cheek.

Just then, (Y/N) noticed a large red bag behind Changbin's figure.

"Hey, what's in the bag?" she asks, eyeing the bag curiously.

"Oh," Chan spoke up, "the thing is, we don't know exactly what to get you, so-"

"We got all of these for you!" Jisung cheered, standing up and running to where the bag was, hoisting it up his shoulders, and bringing it to the middle of the circle. Felix and Minho took care of the food, finishing what was left off.

Then, Jisung and Changbin stood up, helping each other empty out the bag after undoing the knot. Then, expensive clothes, jewelry items, and the cutest stuffed animals piled out of the bag, forming a miniature hill.

"WOW." Minho says, looking at the pile in awe.

"You guys-" (Y/N) was at loss for words as Chan picked up a duck plushie and handed it to her.

"Oh my gosh."

"And that's not all," Changbin smiled and nodded to Chan, who stood up and crouched down on one knee in front of the girl. Felix started to use his high-pitch voice and scream like a lovestruck highschool girl, and Jeongin began making dolphin noises. The rest of the boys cheered, and (Y/N) remained shock while still holding the stuffed toy.

"There's more?" she asked in disbelief, "Please, you shouldn't. You've already given me more than enough gifts, one more is too much."

"Too late," says Minho. "He's already got you that."

"(Y/N)," Chan starts and pulls out a small box that was wrapped in silver wrapping paper and sealed with a sparkly blue ribbon.

"Open it!" yelled Hyunjin in the background.

Reluctantly, the girl took the box from Chan's hands and undid the ribbon, carefully ripping open the wrapper to reveal a black silk box. She opened the top lid and there laid in a satin red cloth a silver necklace that had a blue heart-shaped stone in the middle. (Y/N) had this shocked look on her face, eyeing the piece of jewelry as she held it up to her eye level.

"Y-You guys..." she trailed off.

"Hey, it's not us." Jisung interrupts, "The necklace idea was all Chan hyung's."

"(Y/N)," the leader calls for her attention, thus withdrawing her sight from the necklace. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" she asks, gulping as she feigned confidence.

Chan took a deep breath before holding both of her hands in his, "I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Everyone cheered and hollered, chanting 'YES!' over and over again. Chan kept his eyes glued to her with a hopeful smile on his handsome face, and (Y/N) felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes," she whispered quietly.

Jeongin and Seungmin shared a high-five, Felix dabbed while grinning widely, and the others clapped while cheers and congratulations were heard from them. Meanwhile, Chan had the brightest smile on his face, his cute dimples evident as he reached up to put the necklace on (Y/N). The girl had her ears tinted a mad red, and the color darkened even more when Chan leaned down to press his lips on her cheek, giving her a soft kiss.

"I love you," he whispered.

Shyly, she says, "I love you too."

Chan then sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her figure, trapping her in a tight hug. Woojin cooed at the two, while the others either smiled at the new couple or gagged playfully at the sight.

But (Y/N) couldn't care less.

This day couldn't get any better.

At first, she thought that Christmas was just another ordinary day on the calendar. But with the nine boys she consider family, her insight about the holiday changed.

And it was all because of Stray Kids, the nine dorky boys she calls family.


Merry Christmas you guys! 🎄😘

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- pealix_lee 💖

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