Amongst Us

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Duke's P.O.V

So Wesley had called yesterday afternoon about coming to see me. Told me that Angelica and a few other pack members were going to join him. As much as I didn't like the idea of Angelica coming, I knew there was a reason for it and i'm just wondering if it has something to do with me rejecting her, and if that's the case then her new mate will be with her. This will be hard.

I felt like I had been  waiting an eternity, I had woken early this morning pacing back and forth. I even had Neron and Cadmen telling me to calm down. I couldn't, I was nervous as hell and I wasn't sure what to expect. So when the guards let me know they were well within sight, I had run down to the gates to welcome them.

When I noticed Angelica's scent I also noticed the change due to the mating process, what struck me was the fact that her new mate was Wesley. I tried keeping the straight poker face and welcomed them in, but then I seen her face. She was exactly how I remember her, I couldn't tear my gaze away from her and I knew she noticed when she leant further into Wesley's side. I cleared my throat and walked towards the pack house motioning them to follow. They were staying for a couple of days as long as the reason they were here didn't cause a problem, i'm taking it that reason being that Angelica is now mated to my cousin. As much as it is really killing me on the inside, I know Wesley can treat her ten times better than I ever could, better than i ever did even. 

I walked them through to the rooms that were set up for them, I stopped  at the one I had set up for Wesley...

"I'll take it  you'll both be in here? I hope it's comfortable for you both, if not let Cadmen know and he'll organise the rooms to be changed."

"I take it we can skip that part of business then seen as you already know" Wesley stated

"If you thought I was so oblivious that I didn't notice her scent is mixed with yours then you are mistaken" Duke snided

"Duke, as much as this is an uncomfortable position we are putting you in, we would still prefer to talk with you about it, it isn't something we can just ignore" said Wesley

"There is nothing to talk about, I rejected her... she got a second chance mate who so happened to be my cousin... do you want me to congratulate you? make a big fuss over it, throw a party even?" Duke replied coldly

" That isn't what i was saying Duke and you damn well know that, we don't expect you to be happy about it in fact we were even planning on ways to avoid you hitting me" Wesley chuckled

" Yeah well i'm over talking about it... It is what it is, I wouldn't hit you over something that we have no control over" Duke replied honestly

With that I finished showing everyone the rooms, let them get themselves sorted. After they were all off doing whatever I went to my office and locked myself in and let my thoughts take over. What I didn't expect was how much I still wanted to pull her into me and hold her, even Coda was whimpering quietly. I really didn't know what to do, I couldn't understand why there was still a pull there when I rejected her, I felt the bond completely break. This really wasn't normal and I couldn't deal with it...... My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door so I got up and opened it not expecting it to be Angelica, but here she was standing in front of me...

" Hi"

"ah... hi"

" look Duke.... I know that you said there was nothing to talk about but.... I guess I just wanted to make sure you were really ok"

"yeah i'm good, why don't I look ok?"

"No it's not that it's just that.... well Sera told me that Coda didn't seem right.... I just wanted to check and to tell you that if it's easier for you I'll go back to Alpha Harris' pack while you and Wesley sort everything else out."

"Pfft don't worry about me Angelica i'm fine, I rejected you remember so why would I be upset about anything?"

"Ok well.... i'll leave you to it then"

"see ya"

I watched her walk away, at the same time Coda was growling at me for speaking to her that way. I couldn't make sense of anything anymore, what I couldn't understand is after everything I have done to her, she still wants to make sure i'm ok. She still amazes me, and now I knew that she was going to get treated the way she deserved. As much as I wanted to rip his throat out at the time, i'm glad it was Wesley and not some random. I knew Wesley would treat her well.

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