Chapter 22

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Dedicated to @catterbrie for being a loyal reader and giving me the inspiration to keep going :)


Angelica's P.O.V

I left Wes and walked for a while, i thought about everything that he had said and i realised that by me walking away i had also doomed a few more of the pack, i have abandoned them in their greatest time of need and i couldn't live with that. I knew i would never recover from knowing i could have been the difference. I put the fact that Duke had lied to me, i could kind of see why he did but i still don't understand why he did not trust  me enough to tell me what i found out from James.

As i made my way back to where Wes was the warriors were just about to make their move, i made myself known to him and he smiled at me before we both shifted into our wolves and headed for the centre of the field.

I'm so glad i came back when i did, the look on James and Esarosa's face when the Warriors emerged from the treelines was just priceless. I knew Duke sensed that i was there because i heard the growl warning me away, i took no notice as i was charging towards Esarosa, but Duke leaped in front of me before i was about to attack. His wolf was snarling and growling at me warning me off, he couldn't hurt me but he could most definitely be angry at me.

Just as i was about to turn around James  leaped straight towards Duke's turned back and so i did the one thing i could do, I let Sera in for a second to take control.

I leaped over Duke and went straight for James' throat, just as i was about to snap at his throat one of the pack members charged straight at me. Sera turned on the interruption and i knew i had to reign her in, we couldn't be the reason one of the pack got hurt and i knew then that Duke had ordered the attack because he couldn't bring his wolf to attack us.

I was beyond angry but if this was how it was going to be then that was fine by me. I did a double take before rounding back on the centre fight and returning to the outskirts and taking out the rogues who stood in my line of sight. Before i knew what was happening i had Wes and a few of the warriors fighting with me as we edged our way back towards the centre of the fight.

I couldn't help but notice Esarosa and Sera was soon free again, this time finally getting the satisfaction of taking her down, ripping her from limb to limb until there was nothing but a lifless body laying in her place. James had noticed what had happened and charged straight for me before i realised it he had knocked be off my feet and tore into my side taking a chunk with him.

Duke felt my pain because he was soon there standing over me in a protective stance, with Cadmen and Neron at his flank taking down rogues that were charging at us. Wes had come over too pushing Duke out the way of me and taking a protective stance over me so Duke could concentrate on James.

I wasn't going to let this stop me though i seen a rogue sneaking up behind Wes and i leaped from the ground at him taking him down before i fell back to the ground in agonizing pain. Wes came back to me after he quickly shifted back into human form and four of his fighters surrounding us.

Angelica stay with me, you are not dying here or at all for that matter, you will survive this so you and Duke can work this out, and you will make it. Your not going anywhere sunshine. That is all i remember before i completely blacked out.

Duke's P.O.V

"Just leave her be for now the pack doctor is on his way down Wes, i need you over here right now to take care of these last few rogues"

"I'm not leaving her side Alpha Duke, i won't do it, she just saved my bacon as well as yours, this war is in the bag, James is gone and your pack are doing a great job of cleaning up the rest."

I was angry at Angelica but i was angry at myself more so, what the hell was i thinking ordering them to take her out, it's that main reason she is in the state she's in. I was too busy ordering my own against her to take any notice of what rogues were where. I couldn't do this anymore, she left, she made her decision why was she even here? She saves my life and i seen what she did for Wes even though she was already injured, i couldn't bring myself to stop and be at her side though, and i knew she couldn't stay here.

After the fight was done and we had cleared the field, i called Wes over

" I just spoke to Uncle Harris and you guys are taking Angelica back with you, i can't have her here"

" You can't be serious Duke, she stayed, she never left and she saved your ass, dude i know you have issues but please do not tell me casting your own mate out is the right thing to do, because you know it damn well isn't.... take it from someone who will never have the luxury of holding their mate again, someone who would give anything to have what you are so willingly going to throw away"

with that he walked away, i guess i knew i had it coming. I just couldn't do it. I didn't understand by what he meant when he said she stayed. I watched her walk to the treeline she was leaving, i know what i saw. .I don't know how to fix anything anymore and all this up and down with Angelica i didn't know how i felt about her anymore. They say a mates love is forever but we have been through so much and i just can't feel the bond. I'm just wondering if it's because we didn't completely mate, but even so i don't have it in me to keep going like this.

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