Amongst Us

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Wesley's P.O.V

The minute Duke told me she was coming with us i was livid, i could have killed him myself. I lost my mate 2 years after i met her due to a rogue attack and it just about killed me, and here he was casting her out. I was so pissed off with him.

We were getting ready to leave when Duke had came over to us and i thought he had changed his mind, but the minute the words left his mouth i was done. I was gunna knock him out at least until i realised my wolf (keni) was going mental. Oh hell i wanted to say it so bad but i seen the look in Duke's face as he was walking away and i felt like he did it for her. Angelica was my second chance mate and as much as i wanted to claim her i had to wait.

We finally made it back to our pack lands when i mind linked with my father to let him know we were back and that i had to talk to him, and i ran straight for his office after settling angelica on my bed with thw pack doctor looking over her.

"Father we have a slight problem"

" what now?"

"Angelica, duke's mate the one we brought back with us, he rejected her and....."

" He what? why the hell wait a second whats going on?"

" when he rejected her keni started going crazy she's my second chance mate, i want to be happy but i'm not sure how Duke is going to take the news, i also dont think he will be in contact with us for a while either, he seemed pretty lost."

"oh wow this could be alot of trouble, we'll organise to see him in a month let everything calm down"

"yes sir"

with that i walked out heading straight for my mate, this wild little thing saved my butt and now i can continue saving her for as long as i live, thats if she will accept me especially seen as one it hasnt been that long since duke rejected her an two the fact he couldnt even do it when she was conscious.

2 weeks later..

i heard her stirring as i sat there watching over my precious angel. She was beautiful and i will be glad if i get to call her mine. Even though i would hate to see the way duke takes it, the happiness i feel just looking at her can't compare to anything i have ever felt before and i knew i wanted her. i grabbed her hand and she jumped a little before i asked if she wanted to open her eyes. She shook her head no so i asked

"are you sure? i would like it if you would you have been out for two weeks already and you need to eat."

with that her eyes shot open and one word escaped her lips... mate.

I just smiled at her.

"hey angel"

she just kept staring and then i kissed her, marked her and made her mine. After we completed the mating process she fell asleep in my arms and my heart swelled. I honestly couldn't be any happier this true beauty, was mine. Angel was mine and there wasn't a damn thing anybody could do because i would make damn sure i treated her the way she was supposed to be treated from the start.

Now all i had to do was break the news to Angel about my dad (the alpha) making us go to duke and tell him to make sure all will be ok between the two packs. This could be a disaster.

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