Amongst us

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In case you haven't figured already angelica's wolf is sera and duke's is coda


Angelica's p.o.v

Duke led me back to his house and into his office to explain what had happened with our wolves.

"Ange... this is hard to explain so just bare with me ok"


"Well I did some research after sera made her first appearance through you, after sera commanded coda to stop he bowed down to her, something in the authority she had at the time, I remembered my dad telling me stories about his great great grandfather who was of pure alpha bloodline.... though it seems it skipped a few generations and I also possess it, as do you. anyway that's what made me research it and as it turns out when two pure bloodlines come together it makes our wolves stronger than any other. however sera was stronger at first because she's already experienced it which is how she had me bow down to her, the reason you weren't able to control her is because we haven't mated. how sera was able to do it with your mum is beyond me because it's only supposed to affect us after we've mated, or the moon goddess intervened knowing what was happening which explains why now coda can do it. the only other way it happens is if the rogues have started a pack of more than 200 which as you know could be fateful as most of our packs aren't big, mine however has a total of 400 but that's children who haven't yet shifted included, plus the 150 from the evergreen pack....."

"Woah hold up, so what your saying is if the rogues have started a pack, which obviously James would be behind then there's no doubt going to be a war? and we have to mate to be able to win it?"

"There's no other explanation and as for the mating, we can hold off on that for now until we know exactly what's going on..... don't take it the wrong way ange, I love you, your my half to make me whole but both our wolves need to cool off too as well as I don't want to push you into it until your ready, but you can't leave me again ange... it almost killed me the first time, I couldn't do anything and then Neron found you and sera was pissed and I lost you again, I couldn't keep going which is why I mated esarosa, I needed something to keep me going for the pack and I needed help after gaining an extra 150 pack members. alpha Lowell's around somewhere but he isn't saying much and he's handed all control to me"

"He blames me, doesn't he?"

"He thinks you had something to do with the attack yes, I couldn't tell him what happened though, I told you that was your story to tell"

"But cadmen worked it out, he said he found...."

"Cadmen hasn't said anything to anyone, because he wanted you to confirm it. then as he said if it were true, you need to be the one to tell everyone."

"Is cadmen here?"

"Yeah, I'll mind link him to meet here"

"Thank you duke... for everything"

He nodded his head before walking over to me and engulfing me in a bear hug telling me how much he missed me while we waited for cadmen. I felt the tears hit my cheeks remembering how it feels to be in duke's arms, to have a mate who really did care and all I wanted to do right now was kiss the life out of him, because I had missed him just as bad.

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