Chapter 12

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Sera's p.o.v

"What the hell duke?"

"Guess again sera" coda said with malice.

"C-coda.... h-how.... I-it's not..."

"There were things you never knew about me either sera, you never gave me a chance to explain it, you never gave us a chance and now here you are being spiteful running straight to james? for what sera, what can he give you that I can't, you think he isn't going to betray you the first chance he gets. you think I want to be with esarosa? I needed a luna you ran from me, she was the only one suitable, I wasn't going to take someone's mate from them. I love you sera your my other half, but I don't think I can forgive you for this.... you going to James is going to hurt the pack sera, Neron even, are you really willing to hurt your friends sera?"

"I-I do..... no I don't, I never wanted to hurt anyone, but you marked someone else" Angelica whispered

"Ange.... oh my god, where's sera?"

"She's gone, she's gone nuts, I can't be around the pack coda, I don't trust her right now. what if she hurts someone?"

"It's duke, coda gave me back control when he seen you, do you know what happened ange?"

"Sera went crazy, apart from that I don't know, she's only ever done it once before, with my mum."

"I took my mark off esarosa, and mind linked Neron to keep her away, will you walk back with me so I can explain it to you?"

"Yeah, guess I can after putting everyone through that"

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