Chapter Seventeen

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Alexander Hamilton P.O.V

The last days of school had started. Everyone was just dying on their desks. Honestly, it was sort of nice to take a break after a whole year of classes and homework.

Eliza had been incredibly apologetic and shy around me. I told her it was fine, but she still was really embarrassed to talk about it. It was kind of nice to have her off my hair for a while.

It was lunch time. I was eating with Peggy in a secluded area of the cafeteria, like always. Suddenly, all the lights go off. Peggy giggles. Oh son of a-

"John, honey, please get off," I say. I hear him laugh as he takes his hands off my face. He takes a spot next to me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Babe, how would you like to go to a masquerade Christmas party this weekend?" He asks suddenly.

I am about to answer when...

"Hey baby! Would you like to come to a masquerade Christmas party this weekend with me?"

Ahhhh.... Shit.

There are no other words to describe this moment. Both Eliza and John asked me to go to the same party. How was I supposed to solve this dilema?

"Uhh... Let me get back at you," I said. "I think I have homework due on Monday that I have to finish."

If she didn't believe that, she sure didn't show it. God, I feel so bad for cheating on her.

I go back to my dorm to think, using the "I'mma change" excuse.


Pros - I get to have a normal party, not bothering about who sees me with her, and maybe even get laid.

Cons - She's not John...


Pros - I love him.

Cons - No-Nut November all year long; I have to worry about who sees me; ANGELICA WOULD MURDER ME.


I know how to tell Eliza I'm not going with her.

- Finally Weekend -

"Hey baby, I'm sorry I can't go to the party... I'm just ver- ve- ACHOO- very sick..."

"Oh honey... It's ok. Would you like me to go bring you something?"

"Oh, no babe. I wouldn't want to get you sick too, Liz"

"Ok... I'm going to Theo's tonight, so make sure you rest"

"I will baby. Bye bye."

"Bye hon."

I sigh as I hang up. I looked at John, who had a guilty look on his face. I cup his cheeks.

"What's wrong, Jacky?"

He blushes. "I-I just feel bad... Y'know? For lying to her..."

He has a sincerely pained face. I kiss his forehead.

"Me too, honey... But she wouldn't understand what we have..."

He nods and hugs me. I hug back. After a while, I look at him and say "You ready for a party?"


ohn Laurens P.O.V

The dress code for the party is "formal", so Alex and I both wear tuxes. Mine is green, and his is red.

My mask is red, his mask is green.

It is rather comical.

We arrive at the party and there was a security guy on the door.

"Sorry kiddos. Couples only," he said, in a slightly threatening tone.

Alex doesn't give me time to think of a response. He kisses me on the cheek, and I blush.

The guy seems flustered, but he lets us in, anyways.

The room is full of people. We can barely move. We make our way into the dance floor.

"Hey, how did you even find out about this party, hon?"

"I was helping Martha Manning with her biology homework, and George came and he sorta just invited her and I guess he invited me too," I scream back over the loud music.

"I'm so glad I chose to come with you," Alex whispers on my ear.

I smile. When I'm with him, everything is right. Eliza doesn't matter, my dad doesn't matter, the bullies don't matter. It's only us.

As a slow song starts playing, I throw my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist.

We start dancing to a slow version of All I Want for Christmas is You. I whisper the lyrics into his ear, and he sinks his face into my hair.

I couldn't have been happier.

But of course, the universe couldn't let me be happy for one whole night.

My breath hitches and my heart skips a beat. Across the room, I recognize a pair of green eyes and slick, black hair that tainted me in my nightmares.

Across the room, I saw Francis Kinlock.


DAMMMNNN THE BITCH IS BACK!!! So, my friend Antress_bolt55 read this and she threatened my life if I didn't update, so you'll probably have like 10 more updates this week.

Guys, I just want to thank y'all for all your patience and support and all your beautiful comments. I read all of them and reply to most. I really wish I could show you how much I appreciate you.

I love y'all so much.

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