♡Chapter Twelve♡

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Alexander Hamilton P.O.V

Things got back to normal after we got John back. People at school still talk about Francis and him, but John no longer cares. I joined debate club, in an attempt to get a pass time. As for Eliza and I, well...

"Alex, sweetie, can you get that purse for me?" Eliza says, her hands and arms decorated with bags of every size and color. I sigh and oblige.

We get to the cashier. "That would be 562 dollars," she says. Eliza looks at me with huge puppy eyes. I hand the girl my credit card as I roll my eyes.

Eliza was rich and spoiled as fuck. A few months ago, Philip Schuyler told the three girls that for three months, they would have a spending limit of 1000 dollars every month. Of course, Eliza had spent that in a week. Which left me to pay for everything.

It's not like I'm cheap. If I have money I'll spend it on Eliza or John, but I'm not from a rich family like Liz. I work hard for my money and it's depressing seeing it fly away in clothes.

We leave the shop with twice the bags we entered with. We went for an iced coffee. I order a plain black coffee and she orders a caramel frappuchino. We sit down.

"Hey Alex!" I turn to find John sipping a unicorn frappuchino along side Peggy holding a donut. They sit with us and Peggles whispers something on Eliza's ear. Liz nods and they leave. That leaves only John and I.

"Would you mind if I work on my laptop for a bit?" I ask. He nods. I smile and open the device.

I start by checking my email. Holy shit. Thomas Paine is changing schools, so the club president position was open, and with only two candidates: Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

I mean, I hate both of them. I think it through. Jefferson is a dick. Aaron is stupid and a pushover. Huh... I frown, which causes John to tilt his head a little.

"If you had to choose over Jeffershit or Burr, who would you choose?" I ask. He blinks. "I'd choose death," he says. I laugh. "Good choice".

Angelica comes in running. "ALEXANDER FUCKING HAMILTON WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" She screams. John hides under the table giggling. I rise my hand timidly. She runs towards me and sits down, accidentally kicking John.

"Have you heard?!" She asks frantically. I nod.

"Who are you gonna vote for? I'm going for Jefferson," she says. I shrug. "I have no idea. Both of them suck".

After we talk about some pro's and con's about both of them, Angie leaves. I sigh and go back to my email, as John sits on the sofa again.

"Holy shit, did that hurt," he says, rubbing the part of his arm in which Angelica had kicked him. I smile, not taking my eyes off the computer. I get yet another emal. This one is from A.Burr. I wonder who this is.

Dear Alexander Hamilton,

I suppose that you're aware that I am running for club president. I wanted to make this choice easier for you. If you pick me, I'll make sure that nobody can prove you wrong in a debate. That way, we'll be helping each other out.

I have the honor to be your obedient servant,


WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! Is he trying to bribe me?! He can't get me something I already am! I'm always right in an argument!

John comes to sit by my side and lays his head on my shoulder. "Take a break, Lexi".

I feel myself get red. I close the laptop and I lay my head on his. God, how I love this boy.

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