♡Chapter Eleven♡

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John Laurens P.O.V.

I lay on Francis's bed, trembling and crying. He left for school a few moments ago. I stand up, deciding to get some food. I haven't eaten in 4 days.

I grab some cereal and think about pouring a cup of coffee, but I dismiss the idea. Coffee reminds me of Alex.

I sit in the couch and turn on the tv, looking for something interesting to watch. I watch Stranger Things for a while.

I hear something ring in the distance. It's not on the show, so hope fills my heart. I run towards the noice. It's coming from a locked cabinet in Francis's office. I try to remember what I learned from Sam and Dean and, surprisingly, I pick the lock. I almost cry of happiness.

My phone is there. Green case and everything. I grab it and run to the bathroom, locking the door in case Francis returns early. I doubt if I should call my friends or the police.


YOU- guys, I need help.

The respond in a flash.

Sinshine- John, where the fuck are you? Are you ok? Are you hurt?

Obstacle1- John, what happened?


FrenchDad- WHO HURT MY SON?!

FrendchDad'sBoyf- John, ru ok?

Lexi❤- John? Where are you? I'm on my way.

I send my coordinates and just hope I'm going to be safe in the bathroom until they arrive. Wrong.

I hear a bang on the door. I hug my knees. It's getting harder. That's when I hear his voice

"John, open up!"

I open the door to find Alex and Peggy. I pull Alex into the tightest embrace ever. I cry. He does too.

But of course, stuff couldn't go as planned.

Francis slams the apartment door open. I flinch. Peggy tries to drag me into the bathroom, but he's quicker and grabs me by the collar.

I whimper. Alex closes the bathroom with Peggy inside and throws himself at Francis. I fall against the wall and hit my head real hard.

Alexander Hamilton P.O.V.

I growl as I hold Francis against the wall. "What did you do to him?!" I ask.

A sick smile appears on his face. "I loved him," he says mockingly. I bang his head against the hard brick. I ask once again.

"I made him my little slut~" I banged his head again, harder. "I fucked him so many times, I broke his ass". Again, harder. "And the best part? I. Enjoyed. It." I bang his head multiple times. I only stop when I feel the hand on my shoulder.

"He's not worth it..."

I feel myself soften as I turn to see John. It's just now that I notice the wreck he is.

Bags formed under his beautiful almond eyes, which were now glassy and red. His hair was messy like mine. He was still hot though.

I let go of the unconscious bastard and John hugs me and cries on my shoulder. I hug back while I look at the blood coming from Francis's head. That son of a bitch hurted him. He deserves to die. I should end the job. Kill him, I think. But then I think of John. How horrible he would feel if I kill someone. I can't do that to him.

Peggy knocks on the door furiously. Oops. I forgot she existed. I open the door as she throws herself at John. They hug for a while until we see Francis flinch.

Though I could punch him back to sleep, we preffer to leave and go back to John's dorm.


Once there, everyone chokes John in hugs. Not normal hugs. Hulk hugs. No seriously, he can't breathe.

"GUYS! YOU ARE KILLING THE CINNAMON BUN!!!" I scream. Everyone ohs and pulls away, laughing.

(Yes. I did just invent the word ohs. Add it to your Camish dictionary.)

Eliza comes up to me. Shit.

"Babe, I'm going to sleep at Theo's dorm today, so if you want you can sleep with John. Like, in a platonic way. At least until he recovers from this terrible experience."

Ok, this woman wants me to cheat on her, right?! You can't do that to my heart. Of course, she thinks I sleep when I'm with her. I'm like this author. I say I'm going to sleep but then I just keep writing. Anyways, back to John. Of course I want to sleep with him. But maybe he's still too traumatized to be in the same bed with someone.

"Ok, sure. Whatever you want love."

*Time Skip to that night*

I hear the so missed tap on my window. I smile as I get up to open it. John comes in. He really seems fine about all this. I see past the act.

I look at him. He smiles. But then, that smile turns into tears. I hug him. He hugs back. That's how we spend the next 20 minutes.

"I missed you so much..." He whispers.

"I missed you too, freckles," I respond, trying to cheer him up with his nickname.

It kind of works, since he smiles. Then that smile disappeares as he seems to remember something. Then some tears start rushing down his face again.

I hug him for the billionth time this day. Not that I'm complaining. This scenario is very similar to when I had a brake down some months ago. I remember how he calmed me, and decide that maybe I should try that.

"Remember when we first met? You said 'light my cigarette'. So I lied to my mom and dad. I jumped the fence and I ran"

John's sobs seem to have quieted down. That means it's working. I stroke his hair gently and continue singing.

"But we couldn't go very far. 'Cause you locked your keys in your car. So you sat and stared at my lips. And I could already feel your kiss"

We lie down on my bed and I cover us with duvets. He hugs me closely. I'm almost getting a heart attack. I hug back anyways and continue singing until I'm at the end of the song.

(I got lazy. The song is Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan)

I'm almost sure that John is asleep. I hear him snore. Aww. Yeah. He's asleep. Before I close my heavy eyelids, I whisper one final thing:

"I love you..."


Um... Hey. So, I found out that one of my friends has a crush on me. Huh... ANYWHO!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I might be writing more soon (CAN'T PROMISE I WILL)



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