Chapter 10

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Frida fiddled with her hair between her fingers as she anxiously waited for Queen Pacific's signal to go charging into Saint Paul's cathedral. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. The day when twilight would finally fall and when the poison from her body would be removed.

"Are you okay?" Manny asked noticing her expression.

"Yes I'm just anxious." She said. "And nervous."

"Hey don't worry we're gonna succeed okay." He assured her with a smile. "Listen before we go I wanna give you something."

"What is it?"

He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out the sliver and forget me not ring that had belonged to his mother and placed it in her gloved hand.

"Manny I can't take this. I mean why would you give me this?"

"Because no matter what happens today I don't want you to forget me. Forget me nots are supposed to keep you from forgetting the person you love...Or the person you really like...heh...heh. But in your case it's more than one person. Don't forget me or Steven or Timmy or Dipper or Kick. We're your friends and we care about you, so whenever you feel like you might forget about us just look down at that ring and you'll remember us."

"Oh Manny....But I...I can't! It was your mother's, it's the only thing you have left of your family."

"I still have my memories and besides a ring like that is meant for a lady."

She tried to give it back to him but he only just dropped it back into her hand. So she gave in and slid the ring on to her gloved finger.

"Thank you. I promise I'll never take it off."

They smiled at each other. Suddenly they felt that feeling again. That feeling familiarity, like that had known each other before. But every time they tried to search their memories for why they had this feeling they would suffer a terrible, painful feeling in their heads. A painful shock feeling. Like electricity was being shot through their heads.

"Aah." She gasped.

"Ugh." He groaned. "Are you okay?"

"I think so but my head hurts."

"Mine too. Weird."

"Hey are you two lovebirds done cooing yet because we're kind of on a schedule here." Kick said.

"What?! We weren't cooing! I mean...We're...We're not lovebirds!" Manny denied.

"Whatever Queen Pacifica's already dismissed her army so let's go."

Once they received the signal from the queen, Manny, Frida, Steven, Timmy, Dipper, Kick, and Tuck made their way to Saint Paul's cathedral. Twilight's men attacked almost as soon they entered the cathedral luckily the army was right behind them.

"You guys go on ahead!" Tuck said fighting twilight's men off. "I'll hold them off!"

"Are you out of your mind? There's too many of them!" Manny protested.

"Leave these pathetic humans to me, I can handle them." Being a vampire Tuck had incredible speed and strength allowing him to knock out five men with just one punch and ten with just one kick.

Seeing that Tuck was alot tougher than he looked the remaining six decided to keep going and let him stay behind to help the soldiers.

"Be careful." Steven said before they left.

"Don't worry about me!"

They ran down several corridors until they reached the head of the cathedral.

Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth Toon StyleWhere stories live. Discover now