Chapter 5

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"What do you mean Dipper's been arrested?!" Timmy gasped.

Kick being a count allowed him to obtain a lot of information from royals and nobles so it was only natural that he found out about Dipper's arrest rather quickly. He reported the news to the others right away.

"So the law finally caught up with him." Manny said. "Well we can't leave to rot in jail, we're gonna have to break him out."

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Steven asked. "In case you forgot this is prison is the palace of justice which is guarded by soldiers of the royal army. No one who has ever been put in that prison has ever gotten out."

"That's because none of them are a gentleman thief like me. Trust me if anyone can pull off a jail break in the palace of justice it's me. Now for starters we'll need Kick to request a meeting with her majesty."

"Why?" Kick asked.

"You're a noble count of vast money and wealth, if you request to speak with the queen about discussing a trade business she won't be able to resist and of course if the queen is going to be in a meeting the general will have to be there with her for protection so that's one obstacle out of the way."

"What do you mean?"

"General Von Strangle is basically a human weapon, if he's guarding the prison we'll never get Dipper out of there but if he's distracted with guarding the queen then we have a better chance."

"But I don't wanna talk with the queen. She's so annoying."

"But she thinks you like her so we're gonna have to use that. Besides you've got the easy part so don't complain. Anyway while Kick is keeping the royal pain and her guard dog busy Timmy and I shall distract the guards while Steven slips in and breaks Dipper out of his cell using gun powder."

"What do I do?" Frida asked.

"You stay here."


"Sorry Frida but you can't go to the palace, the royal army is still after you and if you're spotted we're in big trouble."

"But I don't want to stay here and do nothing. I want to help, please."

"I guess you could be the look out but you'll have to keep out of sight and stay close to me and Timmy, understand?"


That evening Kick sent a letter requesting to discuss trade business with the queen at the palace of justice. Just as Manny suspected she accepted immediately and requested his presence the next morning.

"Announcing the arrival of his lordship, Count Clarence Buttowski!" A soldier announced when he entered the palace of justice.

Kick sighed in annoyance, though he was a count he hated looking and acting the part. To be honest it made him feel like a dork and he was always bored out of his mind when he had to speak with royals and nobles. But he was going to have to grin and bear it if he wanted to help Dipper escape. He approached the throne where Pacifica sat where he bowed respectfully before her.

"Count Clarence it is an honor to be in your presence again." She offered him her hand which he kissed. "Good morning your majesty, I thank you for accepting my humble request to meet with you."

"No thanks needed I am both flattered and delighted that you have considered allowing me to get involved in your vast wealth."

She looked over at the four people standing just a few feet from Kick.

"Begging your pardon count but who are these people?"

"They are my servants, my butler, my maid, my valet, and body guard. I hope you don't mind me bringing them but they are my most trusted servants and I never go anywhere without them."

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