Chapter 4

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Somewhere else in London famous Detective Brad was in a meeting with a client. The client was former Dr. Emiliano Suarez, no one had really heard from him in twenty years due to a terrible tragedy that took place in his house. He was known to be a strong, gruff, and angry man who only fools would purposely try to enrage. Before becoming a doctor he used to participate in fights for money and he was the best. However aside from being a great fighter he was not good at tracking.

Which was why he hired Detective Brad. He was a young man who had no last name and any information of where he came from was completely unknown to all but he was one of the best detectives that Europe ever knew. If anyone could find any criminal or outlaw it was him.

"So what do you need me for?" Brad asked Emiliano.

The gruff man threw down a newspaper article with the front story being about a wealthy man's antique watch being stolen.

"You want me to find a watch?"

"No." Emiliano said. "I want you to find the thief who stole it and bring him to me."


"The father of the young man who stole that watch took something very precious from me a long time ago and he died without ever telling me what happened to it. His son is the only person who could possibly know where it is. Find him and bring him to me alive."

"How much are you willing to pay?"

Emiliano tossed Brad a satchel of gold coins.

"It's all my life savings, it is very important that you find that thief and bring him to me."

Brad opened the satchel and gazed at the large amount of gold coins inside.

"Whatever was taken from you must be very important."

"It's the most important thing in the world to me and it is vital that I know what happened to it. So can I count on you?"

"Don't worry you'll get your money's worth."

Brad then left to begin his investigation. Emiliano picked up the satchel and went to lock it back in his safe. Then he went upstairs where he found his wife Carmela, a petite and lovely woman, sitting alone in a room clutching a portrait to her chest. He walked in the room and gently put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Carmela this time it will work. We will know what happened to her."

"It's been so long Emiliano, how can you be so sure that boy knows anything?"

"It's our only chance of ever knowing the truth."

"Are we even sure that his father did it? After all Rodolfo was your best friend, why would he do that to us?"

"It had to be him. When he found out that there was a chance his family could die from that epidemic he ganged up on me like the rest of those ignorant fools! And he made me suffer by stealing what we loved the most. I don't care if he is dead! I'll never forgive him for what he did to us! Never! And that boy of his! That thief better know something or he'll suffer just as we did!"


Back at that mansion Manny while doing one of his nightly escapades had stolen information about Zim riding a train to an unknown location in just a week. He proposed that they sneak on to the plane, capture Zim, and use him to figure out twilight's next plan. While Timmy and Dipper thought it was risky Kick and Steven agreed. It was three against two so like it or not they were going to do it. Frida wanted to go with them, at first they objected out of fear for her safety but she insisted that she wanted to help. Steven wanted her to come too since she could be used as leverage. So it was agreed that she would come under the condition that she prepares for it first.

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