Chapter 8

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After escaping the mysterious woman who was targeting them, they boarded a train that took them back to London. During the train ride Manny noticed that Frida was fiddling with an envelope.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's a letter for me, it's from my father." She said. "I found it in my old room."

She opened the envelope and pulled out the folded sheet of paper inside then stopped.

"Well aren't you going to read it?" Manny asked.

"I'm a little scared to. I feel like it's something bad."

"Would you feel better if I read it?"


She handed him the letter. He unfolded it and began reading it.

"My dear Frida." He read. "By the time you read this you will have reached age twenty meaning the power of the horologium that beats inside of you will have finally ripened and it is time for you to fulfill the purpose I chose you for. You can run and you can hide but you cannot escape the fate that awaits you at Saint Paul's cathedral. One way or another you will act as the imitator for my plan, a plan known as Code Realize."

"What on earth does that mean?" She asked.

"No idea but it seems your father has an ulterior motive for creating you."

Back in London Steven, Timmy, Dipper, and Kick had been searching for Manny and Frida but found no trace of them. Their search was soon interrupted by a great and chaotic misfortune. A huge revolution was started, an army of men suddenly appeared shooting and attacking anyone they saw. Their goal was to locate and kill Queen Pacifica who was hiding in a palace, protected by General Von Strangle and half of the royal army. The other half was fighting the rebellion.

"How many buildings have been bombed?" Pacifica asked General Von Strangle.

"Countless and thousands of good people have been slaughtered without mercy. I regret to inform you that London's roads are stained with the blood of your people."

"Oh God. This is twilight's work! No doubt about it! Damn you Zim!"

"Don't worry my queen we will still keep fighting."

"What's the point? We're all gonna die anyway." One cowardly soldier said. "Twilight out numbers us fifty to a hundred! We're done for! So I say we cut our losses and get the hell out of here!"

"What are you yelling about? There's no where to go, it's a war zone out there not that I'm letting you leave."

"The hell you aren't! I'm out of here!"

He headed for the exit only to have Jorgen's gun block his way.

"You would abandon your queen and country in their time of need like a bloody coward?!" Jorgen grabbed the soldier by his collar and pulled him to meet his gaze of anger. "Man the hell up bitch! You'll die with honor even if I have to chain you to your damn post! You took an oath to serve our queen and country with your life so like it or not you will honor that oath like a true soldier! Understand?!"

"Yes sir." He gulped.

"Good now have your guns ready and be ready to fight."

Outside it was indeed a war zone just as Jorgen had said. Guns shooting off, fires starting, buildings being bombed, innocent men, women, and children getting killed or injured left and right, it was sheer madness. People screamed and fled for their lives hoping to escape the gun shots and the burning flames.

"My God." Timmy said as he and the others observed the chaos in fascinated horror. "What kind of mad man would dream this up?"

"Lamar Hendricks I'm sure of it." Dipper said.

Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth Toon StyleWhere stories live. Discover now