Chapter 9

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The members of the royal army and the citizens of London who had survived the invasion had all regrouped in the woods where they set up camp to tend to the injured, rest, and so the queen and the army could plan their next move. The army managed to escort Tuck safely to the camp and he brought along some stuff from the mansion to help them. Manny was quickly taken to the medical tent so that the doctors could treat his injury.

"Don't worry Frida, he'll be fine." Timmy assured her. "Manny's a lot tougher than he looks. Still after this attack he probably won't be so cocky anymore then again he's been moving around a lot lately so he could use some R and R."

"You're so compassionate Timmy." Dipper said.

"I know, I don't mean to brag but some people have said that compassion is my middle name."

"What's your last name then talks a lot?" Tuck giggled.

"That's so mean! Why do you always pick on me?"

"The truth hurts doesn't it?"

"That's it! Come here you!"

Timmy grabbed Tuck and began to give him a noogie.

"Take your hands off me you buck toothed oaf!"

"Aww, is the little boy getting angry? Does he want me to stop?" Timmy teased.

"Relase me at once!"

Frida giggled as she watched them. She then looked over at the medical tent, she went in to see if Manny was alright. When she finally found him he was lying in bed unconscious from morphine with his side bandaged. She fought back her tears, she couldn't stand to see him hurt especially when she felt like it was her fault that he was in this condition.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A doctor told her. "We're about to sew up his wound."

"Okay." She sighed, reluctantly leaving the medical tent allowing the doctor to operate.

"I appreciate you assisting me with some of my patients Dr. Suarez." He said.

"Not a problem, anything to help the injured. So who do we have here?"

"Oh poor young man, got shot in the side pretty bad. He'll live but he needs stitches."

Emiliano put on his sanitized gloves and went over to join the other doctor at Manny's bed. However when he saw his face he froze, it had been many years but he would recognize him anywhere.

"Dr. Suarez are you alright?"

"Wake up this young man."


"Wake him up right now!"

"Dr. Suarez I can't, he's on morphine."

"I don't care! I have to talk to him!"

"Dr. Suarez control yourself! This man needs to be stitched up right now! If not he'll bleed to death!"

But Emiliano didn't seem to hear. He went to grab Manny and shake him awake but the other doctor quickly called some of the soldiers over to retain him.

"Let me go! I have to talk to him! I have to! He knows something! Something inportant!"

"Quick someone get me the morphine! This man needs to be sedated!" The other doctor said.

Emiliano fought but in the end the soldiers overpowered him and he was sedated. Meanwhile outside Frida was helping hand out bread, water, and blankets to the injured soldiers, citizens, and she offered some to her friends but they declined believing that the injured needed them more.

Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth Toon StyleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora