Chapter 2

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At the royal palace General Jorgen Von Strangle reported to Queen Pacifica what had taken place. The queen was a very proud, regal, and beautiful woman with blonde hair down up in an elegant style accessoried by a black headpiece and elegant but fierce eyes that would give off an icy gaze. She wore a golden dress that was pulled together by a corset and brown lace, a cloak that was lined with white fur, black tights, and yellow high heels. Queen Pacifica was known to be very cold and cruel but she was also known to a heart of gold that cared deeply for her subjects.

"I see so you failed to retrieve the jewel did you?" She said. "How disappointing."

"Forgive me your majesty but there were complications."

"What complications?"

"The jewel was embedded in the chest of a young lady who had poisonous skin."

"Embedded in a woman with poisonous skin? General Von Strangle do you think that your queen is a fool?"

"No of course not your majesty."

"Then why tell me such a ridiculous lie?"

"I speak the truth your majesty."

"You truly expect me to believe such an outlandish thing."

"I'm afraid he speaks the truth your majesty." A voice snickered.

Heads turned to see a short man with green skin and black hair enter the throne room.

"Who or what are you?" Pacifica asked. "And how did you get in here?"

"Just call me Zim, I am the leader of the group known as twilight."

"Why are you here?"

"I have come to inform you that you should avoid sending your troops after that girl."

"What do you know of that woman?" Jorgen asked.

"She's been a prime target of twilight for the longest time. You see my queen what you seek isn't just some rare, pretty, jewel. It is a dangerous monster, an abomination, a threat to your people. A threat which I must capture."

"What exactly are you saying?"

"That woman belongs to twilight so if you know what's good for you your majesty you and your boarish men will not meddle in affairs you don't understand."

"How dare you speak to the queen in a such a disrespectful manner!" Jorgen said drawing his sword. "Apologize on your knees you swine!"

"I don't apologize to anyone. I just came to give you warning."

Then before Jorgen had time to act Zim leapt out the window and disappeared into the shadows. Zim snickered to himself as he thought about his plan.

"The time has come sister. Time to fulfill your purpose."


Frida awoke to the sun shinning on her face which for her was very unusual since she was used to waking up in the dark. She got out of bed and went to the window, her eyes not straying from it until she heard the door to her room creak open. She turned to see Manny standing at the doorway.

"Good morning." He told her. "I hope you slept well."

"I did."

"Good also I hope you're hungry because I have come to escort you down to breakfast."

"Thanks but I don't think I can eat. I'll melt the sliver wear."

"That's okay we're having sandwiches so sliver wear is not needed."

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