Chapter 3

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Frida age twelve was sitting in her bedroom, alone, reading one of her many books when suddenly she heard the bellowing shout of her father Professor Hendricks. Before she knew it he had come bursting into her bedroom looking enraged beyond belief while clutching something in his left hand. It was one of those heart shaped, red satin boxes of chocolate that were given out on valentine's day.

"Is something wrong Father?" She asked.

"What is this?!" He demanded holding up the box.

"A box of candy." She said.

"That's right and do you wanna know where I found it? On our doorstep!"

"Okay and?"

" Some boy left this for you! You've been flirting with them haven't you?"

"No I haven't Father."

"Don't lie to me! I know you always watch those kids when they come home from school! Those boys! You flirt with them don't you! You tease them!"

"But I don't! They're probably not for me! They probably don't even know I'm here!"

"Oh they know! This note I found proves it!" He held up a slip of paper and began reading it. "For the little girl with the prettiest blue eyes in the world!"

"I guess they might've seen me once or twice."

"Seen you! You liar! You tease them!"

"No I don't! I promise I don't!"


Enraged he threw the box into the fire place, slapped her across her face, then he sized her roughly by the arm and dragged her into a very small, cold, and dark cellar. He slammed the door and locked it.

"Please let me out Father!" She begged. "I don't like the dark! I'm afraid!"

"You may come out when you've learned not to betray me!"

"But I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't!"

She was banging on the cellar doors screaming, crying, and begging for him to let her out but he didn't so she remained alone in the dark.

Frida felt herself tremble as she woke from her nightmare. She didn't remember much from her childhood so her memories would come back to her in the form of nightmares or dreams. She hated that because sometimes it was hard for her to tell if the dream she had was really a memory or just a dream. Usually she could tell what was a memory by thinking about all the things she knew about her father. Like how when she first started puberty her father always told her to keep herself covered and to stay away from the window at certain hours of the day. You see the mansion she had grown up in was located just a few miles from the local school house and her father didn't want her near the window when the children were walking by on their way to and from school because he didn't want her to be seen by the boys. However she couldn't help but look out the window when she saw the other kids because she was curious about what they looked like and what they did. She had always made sure that one saw her but she thought that one boy did see her.

Shaking it from her thoughts she started to get out of bed. Looking to her side she found that she had melted her pillow. She sighed and made a note to inform Dipper that she needed a new pillow. Recently he had begun trying to make things that were immune to her poison. He had told her that he was almost done with some sliver wear he was working on which would not melt once she touched it.

"Hey it works." She said after testing them by putting a spoon in her mouth which remained solid.

"Wonderful and I'll get started on that new pillow as soon as I can. Also I'd like to know what kind of material your dress is made from." Dipper then lifted up her skirt making Manny and Timmy blush. "It feels like regular fabric so maybe it's coated in something that repels the poison."

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