~*Chapter 17*~

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Dana’s POV: August 6, 2 0 3 5

“No Erin! That’s just inappropriate.” I say looking at the item she was holding up.

“Is not.You’re just old.” she said as she gave it to me.

“Call me whatever you want but I would never wear that.”


“No! You wear it if you love it so much.”

“But you--” This time she was cut off by my phone.

“One second, it’s Raaisa.” I said as I pulled out my phone.

“Hey.” I said cheerfully.

“Dana, you need to get home NOW!” Raaisa said sounding worried, “Rajah is missing!”  

“Woah, slow down Raaisa. Where are you right now?” I ask trying to sound calm. The last thing we needed was two unstable people.

“I-I’m about 2 minutes away from the house.” she said. Her tone told me that she was speeding to get home.

“Alright. Just calm down! I’ll be there as soon as I can.”


“And Raaisa?”


“Please be safe.” I pleaded.

“I will.” she said and promptly hung up.

Is something wrong?” Erin asked as I hung up.

“It’s Rajah. Raaisa says he’s missing. I need to get home.” I said as I dumped the clothes I had picked out onto the table and started running towards the exit, Erin followed me close behind.

“Is something wrong, Mrs.Williams?” Agent Jackson asked as we arrived at the car.

“I need to be home NOW!” I said, throwing myself into the car.

“Yes ma’am.” he said as he turned to enter the car.

“Dana, please don’t stress out too much, I’m sure everything will be fine.” Erin pleaded.

“Okay, are you not coming?” I said dismissing her statement.

“No, you go, I’ll catch a cab.” she smiled, “But please, don’t freak out too much, for the baby’s sake.”

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