~*Chapter 2*~

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Dana POV: March 13, 2019

The next morning I thought I could sleep in since we didn’t have school, but that did not happen. At 7 am, my eyes pop open and I groan as I realize what time it is. Soon, I look over at Raaisa and see that she is also awake. “I see you suffer from the same curse as me!” I joke with Raaisa.

“Yep!” Raaisa responds with a small laugh. We both rise slowly from our beds. I see my reflection in the mirror across from my bed. I was about to scream at appearance; my hair was like a jungle and my PJs were wrinkled and folded.

“Geez, I look TERRIBLE!” I shout in a frustrated voice. Raaisa gives me a wise glance and nods.

“Yeah right!” Raaisa says sarcastically, “You don’t have to be perfect EVERY moment of your life, even the queen wakes up looking disorganized!” I laugh as she finishes her sentence.

“Well, appearance is all people care about these days!” I say angry at my hair that won’t settle down, “Do you think Dave would even want to be my boyfriend if I looked like this?”

“Come on,” Raaisa says, stopping me from pulling my hair out, ”Dave is the least likely person who would care about a girl’s looks, especially YOU!” I steal back the brush and pull harder on my hair.

“My point is, I need to be perfect at every moment if I want to fit into society.” I say as my hair finally smooths out.

“You are a political freak, I don’t think that is very normal for a teenager!” she jokes.

“I guess you’re right, but I have a date tonight and I need to be PERFECT.” I say imagining tonight.

“Of course, your highness!” Raaisa jokes. We then change into our clothes and tidy up for breakfast. I wear a navy maxi, while Raaisa prefers to wear a blouse and jeans. We run down the stairs to begin breakfast. My sister was at school and my parents were at work, so it was just Raaisa and me. We sit at the dining room table and I bring everything we have in the fridge. We end up eating toast and orange juice quickly so we can get on with our lives.


Raaisa POV: M a r c h 13, 2019

“Hey, wanna go to Park Meadows?” Dana asks as I finish the last bit of my OJ. I frown at her and she chuckles. I’ve never been much of the shopping type and she knows that.

“Aww, Raaisa,” Dana pleads. “A new store just got set up there! I heard it has the best jewelry ever!” She squeals, waving her hands around.

“Fine,” I mutter, “but we have to buy Michael some presents, too!” I suddenly remember. How could I have forgotten my own boyfriend’s birthday?! It was on March 21, so thankfully we still had some time to organize the surprise party!! Yay!

“Oh, yeah!” Dana recalls his birthday, too, “What are we going to get him, though?”

I shrug, bewildered at the thought. I had gotten him presents from an iTunes gift card to actual professional football equipment. What was I supposed to get him now?

“I’ll figure it out when we get there,” I say, cleaning up my plate and glass. Dana protests, but I wash my plate and utensils before I follow her to the car.

She takes the wheel and I settle down in the passenger seat. I look around and gosh, is her Chevrolet Malibu LS neee-eat! Everything has its own place and there’s not one scrap of paper or stray piece of grass lying around anywhere! Well, I guess I’ve been spending too much time in Mike’s car…. She starts the car and backs out of the driveway and soon we’re on the highway to Park Meadows. I try to limit the conversation because I feel guilty distracting drivers, but Dana reassures me that she’s an excellent multitasker. “Sooo,” she says once we pull up into the very crowded parking lot. I mean, it’s, like, Wednesday and it’s still crowded. What gives? “What are you doing for the party?”

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