~*Chapter 1*~

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Dana POV: M a r c h 12, 2019

I was sitting on my bed while I called my best friend and chatted with her. We were discussing the usual stories; our boyfriends, school, friends, and college. I was enjoying our conversation when my cell phone suddenly buzzed with an e-mail. The screen lit up for a fraction of a second and I was able to make out the word ‘Harvard’. My heart sunk and my voice shut off.

 “Dana, are you still there?” my friend asked, concerned.

“Raaisa, you’ll NEVER guess what just happened!” I say, glaring at my phone.

“What?” Raaisa asked, worried about the scenarios.

“I just got an email from HARVARD” I shout into the phone while my heart was pounding in my chest.

“Did you get in?” she asks with concern.

“I don’t know! Can I call you back?” I ask, trying to control myself.

“Of course, let me know,” she says understanding my emotions,” and good luck!” I was so nervous I didn’t even say good bye. I force the phone off and rush to my cellphone. 

      < Ms.Karami,

          Thank you for your application to Harvard Law School. After careful analysis of your  application, the admissions office is pleased to inform you of your acceptance. It would be our pleasure if you joined Harvard University…>

I let out a vociferous scream! My parents rushed into my room wondering why I was screaming. Once I notified them of my acceptance we all hugged and celebrated. My dad promised me that we would go out to dinner over the weekend as a celebration. As soon as our moment was over, I grabbed the phone and was about to call Raaisa, until I remembered my boyfriend Dave. I called him in hopes that he had also gotten in. I couldn’t wait for him to pick up.

“Hello, Dana!” he says as if he has been expecting my call.

“Dave, you will never guess what just happened!” I said, ready to jump out of my chair.  

“The democrats are ahead in the latest polls?” he said, hoping it be true.

“Yes, but something bigger happened,” I said ,remembering the good political news,” I just got my acceptance letter to Harvard!!”

“Oh my gosh! Congratulations, see I told you that you would get in!” he said with great excitement , “Did you get your Yale letter back yet?”

“No, but it doesn’t matter because I got into HARVARD! That has been my dream for EVER! Who cares about Yale?” I say ,wondering why he was so curious about Yale.                

“Well… there is something I haven't told you about.” Dave said with a nervous voice.

“Dave, you are scaring me,” I say curiously, “you know you can tell me anything, remember I’m your girlfriend, not to mention your campaign partner!”

“Well, the truth is… I got my rejection letter from Harvard a while ago. I didn’t want to tell you until I knew about Yale,” he said, afraid at my reaction,” but I got into Yale and if you got in we can still be together.”

“What,” I whisper, “oh, I am so sorry sweetie. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Dave quickly replied, “I was afraid you would be upset so I waited because I wanted you to be sure nothing is wrong!”

“I understand.“ I try to make Dave feel better, “Yale’s acceptance letter for corporate law is not supposed to arrive for another week, so we still have a chance to be together!”

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