~*Chapter 7*~ --Dana's Trip

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As I stood on the main street of Paris, I was in awe. The glamorous history came alive through beautiful architecture. Paris had everything I loved in a city: amazing history, beautiful sights, magnificent fashion, and a sense of class. The city wasn’t even the best part about being there, Dave stood right by me as I stood stunned.

            “Isn’t it beautiful?” Dave says as he breaks the silence.

            “It’s simply magnificent or should I say c'est tout simplement magnifique!” I say as I joke a little bit.

            “We will have plenty of time to explore this place, but let’s go for now.” Dave says as he gently pushes me towards the car.

            “Alright!” I say as I enter the European styled car. In the car I barely talk, but I stare out the beautiful car and into the foreign roads. There is a long ride until the beautiful hotel. The hotel is one of the most famous hotels in Paris. It has a high sense of class and 18th century chic. We have three rooms in the hotel: one for me, one for Dave, and one for his parents. After arriving we take a nap for the rest of the afternoon, we gather in one of the many cafes in Paris and discuss the next week. We finally manage to create this plan:

Day 1: Explore the city

Dine in the best restaurant in town

Day 2: Visit the historical sights


Day 3: History search

Street fun

Day 4: Sightsee

Couple time

Day 5: Activities left

Opera house

I agree to this and we spend the remainder of the night exploring Paris. As we go around the city I realize how impossible it is to see all of Paris in five days. It felt so amazing to walk the grand streets of Paris hand-in-hand with Dave. Around the city, I saw tons of boutiques like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. It was a delight to see all of these shops, but also a bit disappointing.  

            “Paris is totally shopping proof!” I say as I look at the near-by boutiques.

            “Why is that?” Dave says in shock of my words.

            “Well, these boutiques are so expensive. My dad would kill me if he saw the bill for the shopping I did here!” I say as I look at Dave.

            “I don’t think that’ll stop you.” Dave says with a knowing glance, “I know that doesn’t stop my mom.”

            “Yeah, you’re right.” I say as I start to laugh a little. We search Paris for some more time before we return to the hotel. I was so tired that as we entered the hotel that I simply said goodbye to the group and practically ran to my room where I dropped on the freshly made, pillow-top bed. For the next few hours, I slept like a little baby, a French baby to be precise. The next four days were exactly as planned. I can honestly say I have never laughed that much in my entire life! Dave and I had so much fun in Paris, I wish we could stay there and forget about college. Paris was my favorite part of Europe!

            On the fifth day, I awoke at 7am and prepared for the adventurous day. As soon as I took a shower, got dressed, and applied my makeup, I left to went next door to Dave’s room (by this time it was 8:30 am). I was surprised to find him dressed and ready to go.

            “Don’t tell me I’m late again.” I joke as I catch sight of him.

            “Actually, I’m just early.” Dave says with a smile.

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