~*Chapter 11*~

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Dana’s POV: July16,2028

“I’m laaaate!” I yelled as I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a muffin to eat on the way to work.

“You’re always late, Miss I’m-not-giving-up-until-I-look-perfect.” Dave joked as he ate his breakfast. He was right, for the past 7 years of our marriage, I was always complaining to Dave about how I was late to something.Now, I was now late for my job as a journalist on CNN.

“I don’t try to look perfect, I just always end up like this.” I said, slowing down in my path.

“No doubt about that.” Dave said as he planted a quick kiss on my cheek, “Plus, your show is at 7 in the evening, why are you leaving at 9 am?”

“I’m guest hosting the morning news show since the usual host is sick.” I responded.

“Congressman Williams, your car is ready sir.” our secret service agent, Agent James said.

“Thank you, I’ll be right there.” Dave said with a smile.

“Go, get to work Mr.Congressman.” I say as I gently push Dave towards the door. It had been two years, but I still couldn’t believe Dave was a congressman! I was so proud of him, but I sort of wish I would be one too. Yet surprisingly, I loved journalism, I studied law but ended up working as a journalist with my own show on CNN. Dave and I were both so happy with our lives.

“Alright, I’m going.” Dave said, “But first I think you’re forgetting something.” I laughed and leaned in to kiss Dave.

“Now go before we both get fired!” I said as I pushed Dave and myself out the door. I part ways with Dave and jump into my Mercedes.

“Mrs.Williams!” I hear someone yell from the front door. I stop the car to see our other secret service agent, Agent Jackson, running towards me. He enters the car and I begin to drive again.

“Mr.Jackson, I don’t think I need security to go to work!” I said, a little annoyed.

“Mrs.Williams, you are a sort of celebrity, you need security everywhere. Especially since the press follows you.” he said, sounding calm yet stern.

“I’m pretty sure no one would murder me in front of 20 witnesses with cameras!” I say sarcastically.

“I’m just keeping you safe, Mrs.Williams.” he said sounding kind of genuine.

“And I really appreciate that.” I said with a kind smile. The rest of the drive was silent and in 10 minutes I reached the CNN building.

“I’m really late, so can I just stop at the front and get off while you go park the car?” I asked kindly.

“But, Mrs.Will--” he started.

“Please!” I interrupted.

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