~*Chapter 14*~

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  • Dedicated to Dave and Michael (nonexistent...for now)

~*Chapter 14*~

Raaisa’s POV: July 26,2030

I blink my eyes groggily as I try to make sense of my surroundings. There’s no light except for the one that leaks in under the door. I hear muffled voices coming through the same opening and immediately recognize Dana and Mike’s voices.

“In the 20 years I’ve known Raaisa, I’ve never seen her cry like that, Mike. Never.

“She was just having a rough day.”

“She was fine until you started arguing about money.”

“You know Raaisa. She always hides her feelings and they build up until she just explodes. All that stress from working more than 18 hours a day is just coming out now.”

“She wasn’t crying from just stress. There’s something bothering her that she’s not telling us.”

“We just need to give her some space. Sh--”

“Stop it, Mike! Stop acting like you know her better than I do! Raaisa doesn’t just cry unless there’s a very good reason. She’s good at keeping stuff in and it looks like she’s so good she has her own husband tricked.”

Poor Mike. I think as I rise from the bed. He’s still trying to keep the whole pregnancy thing a secret. I mean, I did ask him to.

“She’s my wife. I know her just as well as you do, maybe even more.” His voice is slow and measured, as if he were trying to contain his anger.

“No you don’t! Your ignorance for her feelings just shows how much you don’t know about her! I swear, it’s like you did something to her!” Okay, now was probably a good time to intervene, I get onto my feet and suddenly I feel like I’m swaying from side to side. My stomach lurches and my head feels like there are a thousand hammers smashing into my skull.

“Ungh.” I moan as I stumble towards the door.

“I didn’t--” I literally fall through the doorway , but luckily I have enough balance to land on my knees and not my face. My stomach feels queasy and I can’t even think straight anymore.

“Raaisa! Oh my god, what’s wrong?” Dana screams as she turns up for a second to glare at Michael before crouching down to look at me.

“You look a little green,” Mike cups my face in his hand after shooting a glare back at Dana. And that’s when my stomach decided it couldn’t take anymore. Michael jumped back and the delicious dinner Mrs.Collins had worked so hard on was now a gooey mess on Dana’s perfectly white carpet.

“Oh my god, Dana, I’m so sorry.” I whisper as I realize what I did.

But she completely ignores me. “It could be food poisoning!” She screeches at Mike as he rushes me to the bathroom. He helps me get washed up while Dana calls for her maids.

“You didn’t have to keep it a secret,” I say as I towel my face off.

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