Chapter 20: New Moon.

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(This is the end of a new beginning.)

(You do not need tissues for this chapter. Crying is worthless in the eyes of fate.)

(Read at your own ris-)


(If there's anything you want me to answer, then tag me in your comment.)


The drinks were served and talking was evident. However, you wanted to go home early, you told Noelle how tired you were and she nodded and said that it was fine, so you told your father and Ralsei that you were going to make your way home. So you did.

After Susie and Kris making plans to meet up with you tommorow after school, you made you way home, a bit quicker this time. You fiddled with the spare key that your father gave you for emergencies and unlocked the door. You looked around.

"Moon?" You said. She had come home way earlier than you did. She should be home, she was always home. You went to her room and unlocked the door. There was nobody there. There was nothing there. Everything was gone. The room was barren.

Your eyes widened, not expecting this at all. She didn't mention the fact that she was leaving or moving out, and how quick she left was unsettling, but you didn't know what else to do.

There was a notebook on the floor, and you picked it up. It was the notebook that Moon carried everywhere. It was filled to the brim with words. It was a small book but thick with pages, the book looked like it was well used but also well taken cared of. Her handwriting was evident, her loopy Y's and her smooth pen flicks after every sentence.

"Complicated, by Moonlitstarryskies." It read.

"Moonlitstarryskies?" You said. Was that a Wattpad name?

You were afraid to read it, so you didn't. But you hugged it close to your heart and just sat there, face blank, not knowing what to do.

You feel like you've only known Moon for a week, but she was your sister. She was always there for you, and somehow you felt deep inside that she would always be there, even if you cannot see her anymore.


You turn around and you see Moon, with her hands holding a box filled with copic markers. She comes toward you.

"I didn't know you were moving." You say despairingly, she smiles. "I actually wanted to leave without anyone knowing." She holds her hand out for the notebook.

"Can I keep it?" You ask.

"Oh, Y/N.." She says, putting the box down. She places a hand on your shoulder.

"Sometimes it's better if you make your own stories. I've learnt from experience that maybe your stories won't satisfy everyone, but that's just how it goes."

"Y/N. Keep loving Susie, and make




You give the book to her, even though you wanted to keep it. She smiles and kisses your forehead. "Goodbye Y/N." She turns around.

"Wait! You're sounding as if I'll never see you again!"

She turns around.

"May fate decide whether we shall meet again, sister. Shine like a star."

And she leaves.

And you sit there in her empty room, helpless.


"Kris, I'm worried about Y/N." Susie says. She twiddles with her tie and Kris nods, his legs swinging on the park bench chair. He leaned back to allow his feet to elevate, so he could feel somehow younger. "I'm worried about her too." A car drives past, and Susie looks.

"Hey, who's that?" Susie says, not recognising the car at all. "It looked like Y/N's sister driving." Kris says. He was correct, as the girl jumped out of the car to open the gate to the town to leave. "Damn, Y/N's losing a family member too? Why is everything all of a sudden depressing?" Kris looks down. "I feel like everything is suddenly changing."

"You know, Kris, Maybe we should go and hang out with Y/N." Kris looks at Susie. "It's like 10pm right now, we shouldn't even be here!" Kris says. "Yeah I know.. but I want to see if she's okay. I mean, her sister literally had to leave on a funeral date." So Kris gives in, and with Susie leading the way, they make their way over to Y/N's house.


"Moon left?" Your father says, surprised and sad. "She didn't even say goodbye..." You look down, feeling bad but also relieved. Moon always seems trapped in her own little world, so maybe it was time for her to experience the world that isn't inside her head.

"Why does it say goodbye on the fridge?" Ralsei asked. "Oh, I guess she did say goodbye then." Your father says sheepishly. "Well Ralsei, You can have Moon's old room!" Ralsei smiles. "Okay! Thanks dad!" And he grabs a white blanket from your father's room and places it in the middle of his room floor.

"I might have to think about getting you a proper bed, Ralsei." Ralsei jumps into the pile of blanket that he had supposedly made. "Wee!" He says, before being engulfed in white. "This is nice" He says, before snuggling in and making himself comfortable. You smiled.

Maybe Moon knew that it was time for something new.


It's finally over.

You're free now, Moon.

You can do what you want now.

You have escaped.

But your sister has not.

"Gaster, can you please shut up? I'm driving." Moon says, clearly annoyed and agitated. She focused on the road, leading her to the unknown.

You haven't escaped yet, Moon.

And the road ended, as the edge loomed.

And Moons eyes widened. As she felt herself lose herself.

And she finally gave way to death.


(The books still going, calm your titties.)

(Also, um. Fluff next chapter.)

Complicated  (Susie x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz