Chapter 17: Cake Lesson.

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OML sorry for the late omfff

Anyways, I'm using free McDonalds Wi-Fi while waiting for my parents to pick me the hell up from the shopping centre.

Not sponsored by McDonalds.

For some reason I brought this purple button up shirt because I wanted to look like Susie?

You don't need to know that uh-



"Y/N? Is everything okay in there?" You tense at the question and shout at your father in your head.

"Does it look like everything's okay?? Does it look okay? Tell me that!"

But you don't. You just stay tense, and you stay in place, not really knowing what to say. So you just ask him to leave you alone and to talk to you later. He leaves, telling you that there's some money on the dinner table for the chocolate that you supposedly liked. You hear footsteps leaving your room.

"Y/N, may I come in?"

Moon. You did not hear her.


"Y/N. Susie called me and told me what happened. Please, open the door. I won't tell dad, if you do not wish for me to tell him."

You were going to ask why Susie had Moon's number, but you waited for another time to ask.

"....fine. Please, come in."

She opens the door slowly, her hair still the same reddish color it was the first time she dyed it. Her eyes were full of worry, and her hands were full of comfort and love. She kneels down to your level, to which you were bundled up on the floor, and comforted you, hugging your form close and playing with your hair.

"You know Y/N...

She looks at you. In love and in care. You know from this that she really does care about you. Because she does, and it's simply a fact that the universe chooses you to know.

"Whether you think it's your fault or not, is not important right now. But what is, is the fact that you blame yourself for everything, which is not healthy."

You look down, what was she getting at?

"Okay, for example, you and Susie and the mayor's daughter all share a cake, right? And you're the one that holds the butter knife to cut the cake equally. But you drop the knife on top of the cake and the icing ruins."

You look at Moon, some of the things she says doesn't make any sense at all to you, she smiles, seeing your evident confusion.

"After that, ...." she pauses, turning to reconsider her words before she says them. She is pleased with her mindset of words and keeps speaking.

"...and then, Susie has a panic attack or something."

"what the hell, Moon?"

First of all, you would think that Noelle would be the one to have something like a panic attack, and secondly, why a panic attack?

"You know I'm not good at examples, Y/N! Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if you blame yourself for the cake icing and the panic attack, then you're wrong."

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