Chapter 5: Flashbacks.

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And last but not least!

I love y'all!

2020 edit: I love all of you! I'm very thankful for all of your support and for reading this far. <3 I hope you're enjoying what I'm writing. That's the goal. <3


It seemed to be a long time ago, when your short H/C hair would be tied back into plaits and you would always have dirt in your fingernails. Your front garden shone brightly, with the sun illuminating your mother's multicolored roses. You were outside, playing with your favorite doll in the world. You named her (Insert a very important name.) She would always be there for you, because you felt that nobody else would talk to you. You were crying, your small hands rubbing your watery eyes. You don't know why you were crying, but you hear yourself say "I don't know what to do.. D/N (Doll name). I feel like I'm just making everything harder for everyone. Kris won't be back ever and I have nobody else except you." You looked at your dolls eyes, they were unmoving and inanimate, but you still believed that they could listen to you one way or another.

She (the doll) was a gift from one of the monsters that saw you one day. The monster looking for you and with a vivid yellow rainjacket, the monster saw you and approached you. It was raining that day, and you had just found out that your parents were divorced. Your mother left that morning, but since your mind was too fresh to withstand such information, your father simply described it as "Leaving for eternity" which now that you look back at, didn't seem like much help at all and what seems to you more worse than just telling you of the divorce. You cuddled D/N tightly, and cried into it's artificial cotton filled chest. The sun seemed too bright for you all of a sudden. Your eyes widen, seeing everything you just saw melt away into nothing but white. Your memories leave, walking back to the back of your brain where they always were stored for all eternity.



Will they ever stop coming back for you?

It's like a friend that isn't your friend but they consider them so and they continue to torment you until you collapse.

You just want them to leav-

Warm hands.

Warm hands touch your skin, wiping away the dread that seemed to come out of your eyes freely. They wipe away your doubt like D/N did all those years ago when you talked to them. You feel an embrace.

"Are you okay, Y/N?"

Your eyes widen. That voice.



You snap out of your trance and you look around and see everyone around you. Kris looks especially worried and Ralsei is nowhere to be seen. Susie is, ... where is Susie? Oh, there she is. Where she belongs.

Next to you.

"oh, come on Y/Nyou can't think things like that it's only been one day and you're already like this!" You scold yourself.

"Y/N...we were laughing about my award winning remark and then all of a sudden, you just sat silently and started to cry. Is everything okay?" Susie pat your back slowly, still wiping away what was left of your abominations. You nod slowly, not so sure yourself.

"Yeah...I'm fine..I don't know what came over me." Kris kneeled in front of you. "You had us worried Y/N, you had nearly fainted but thanks to Susie waking you up from your thoughts, you had come back before the waves of unconsciousness took over. "

You nod apologetically. "Sorry Kris, Susie. Honestly I don't know what happened. It was just a flashback." Susie laughed silently. "Well they weren't good flashbacks were they?"

"Says the one who thought all dirty about "Good girl pats." Kris groaned and Susie started to laugh again. "Will you guys EVER let that go?" Kris says. You look at Susie and then back at Kris. "Well from what I see, nope!"

"Oh Y/N! You're awake from that trance you had earlier." Ralsei had come back with a pretty cake in their paws. You smiled instantly.


"Nuh uh uh!" Susie says pulling your greedy hands back, your eyes still eyeing the trays every move. "You ain't getting that cake if I ain't getting that cake."

"But I..I need it!" You say, still eyeing the cake with all the want in the world. Susie smiles and says in the most monotone voice a girl like her could pull off.

"Why? You're sweet enough

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"Why? You're sweet enough."

You were sure that she meant the low voice to make sure you couldn't hear it, but you did. Your cheeks instantly flush, not knowing what to say. So you smile instead to just tell Susie that you heard what she said without telling the others what they didn't hear.

Susie looked at you, knowing that you heard.

And was extremely grateful that you kept it to yourself.

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