Chapter 18: Destiny.

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Shit I'm so late omf

Sorry! I was actually walking this boy I liked home and uh...he hugged me afterwards.

So uh, I've been just all happy go lucky for the past hours.

Again, sorry for the late chapter omffff

I'll try my best to make a Christmas special if I can aaa.


"Susie.." You wipe away the remainder of your sadness from your face and look at her, her hair covering her face and a part of yours.

The position was peculiar, anyone that would've been able to see you two would've assumed that you two were kissing, but really you guys were just looking into eachothers eyes, sharing the same air and enjoying eachothers body warmth.

"What is it, Y/N?" You look at her, not wanting her to leave, but you knew that she had to go. "Can I drop you off home?" Susie smiles and wipes her hair out of her face, her smile wide and her eyes full of..

Well, you. Because you're all she could see.

"Sure, come along." She lets you down gently, before getting up and helping you up also. You both filed out of your room and you made sure to close the door behind you.

Your sister gave you a file that she said was important, she looked extremely serious when she said to look after it, so you did.

Susie said her goodbyes to your father and to little Ralsei, who was helping your father to cook. Ralsei smiles at you.

"I know what it is now, so I'm not going to say that you guys made out in there or anything." Ralsei smiles at you, before carrying on helping your father.

You look at your father in surprise, and he winks at you. "I told you to leave it to the expert!" You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." You smile and you both leave the house.

Susies home wasn't too far away from yours, so the walk would be short. You didn't want the walk to be short though, you wanted to be with her for as long as possible.

Because for some reason, when you're with her, you feel like you're in the right place.

"Susie, can we go back to the pond tommorow?" You say, looking down.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"On no, nothing. I just wanted to be with you."

Well, at least you were being honest, right? You still look down, but then you look at Susie for a reaction.

She was facing the other way, and you couldn't see her face.

Wow, she was an enigma.

A loving, relatable and overall wholesome enigma. And because of that you loved her, and she loved you.

Susie holds your hand, you weren't expecting that at all. After your second of processing what had happened, you ease your hand into hers and you smile to the evening wind, the white footpath, and the beautiful autumn that had passed on nature.

Hometown was perfect, Susie was perfect...and for once..

You felt perfect.


■■■■■■'s POV:

She rests her chin on her hand and looks out her window.

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