May 13

39 2 0

“Vel, Amber is here.” Youngjae whispers, gently rubbing the girls faded and grown out hair. “Okay.” Vel groans, pushing herself up and wincing, rubbing her lower belly. “I’ll get your clothes, what do you want to wear today?” Youngjae asks, noticing her discomfort. “Leggings with a sweater you think is big enough,” Vel says, getting off the bed and wobbling to the bathroom. “Are you sure? It is pretty warm out today.”
“Just pick something, I don’t really care.” She calls back, shutting the bathroom door and returning a few minutes later to Youngjae sitting on her bed with a pair of maternity jean shorts and a tie-dye, ‘Preggo Saurus’ long sleeved shirt that Jade sent a few weeks back. “I thought this would be perfect since you’re going to be in a bunch of media pictures.” He giggles and she rolls her eyes, pulling out a bra and some over the knee socks. “Do alpha females have a penis?” Vel asks as the omega clips her bra for her and helps her pull her pants on.
“Yes, but they can be hidden from frontal view because they can retract into the clit on command,” Youngjae informs, giggling as she rolls onto her back with her feet in the air to pull on her knee high combat boots. “It isn’t funny, I’m still flexible, but I have an obstacle that I can’t move.” Vel whines and Youngjae continues laughing but still zips up her boots before pulling her up and escorting her downstairs with Candle moseying by their side, clearly stating she wasn’t up to going out with them.
“You are adorable,” Amber states as soon as she sees Vel, gapping when JackJack runs up to her and starts jumping for attention which the future mom gladly gives by squatting down and pick him up into her arms to cuddle him. “I claim you as my niece, let’s go get boba.” Amber states hugging Vel before trying to pull her out of the house, “Unnie, I need to get my wallet first~” Vel giggles, but is instantly scolded, “No, I have to make up for sixteen years, I am buying you everything today. I already claim spoiling rights for Bean.” Amber says and pulls Vel to the door, “Have fun!”

“You mean to tell me you have never had boba before?” Amber gasps, driving to her favorite boba cafe, “No, we either couldn’t afford it, or it wasn’t available in our area.” Vel shrugs, chuckling at Ambers offended expression. “Well, you gon learn today.”
“I’m a little upset they didn’t have decaf so you could try a tea version, but at least you like the fruit ones.” Amber pouts, as they walk into a mall, heading straight to the hair salon. “You bought over twenty different kinds, are you sure you don’t have a problem?” Vel asks, sipping on a passion fruit juice with vanilla boba. “Yes, now let’s see if they have pregnancy safe hair dye here.” Amber says as they enter the store, both giggling when they are greeted with a sign for Henna hair dye with the caption, ‘Safe for Pregnant Use’.
Amber quickly asks the desk woman when they can get their hair done and are pleasantly surprised when the woman escorts them to two chairs. “A stylist will be with you momentarily.”

“My hair hasn’t been this subtle since I was ten.” Vel gasps, messing with her deep mahogany curls. “Well, I think Sanha is going to fucking mount you when he sees you. You’re really cute with light hair, but dark hair makes you look beyond the point of sexy.” Amber jokes, making Vel blush and giggle. “How about not. My hips are splitting enough as it is, they don’t need the help of an alpha's knot.” The teen says before her attention is caught by the feeling of being watched and an aggressive aura.
“Unnie, is someone watching us?” Vel asks, not turning to look, even as she hears angry murmurs move closer with the sound of heavy footsteps. “Yup and they are moving closer. Call Jackson or something and make sure they can hear us.” Amber says, turning and stopping to face the large group of girls walking up to them, wearing BTS and Astro merch, three other girls following them with upset expressions. “Hi, can we help you?” Amber asks as Vel holds her phone behind her back. “We just wanted to talk with the pregnant one for a few minutes.” The leader says with an evil smirk and fake smile as one of her minions records the entire situation. “What about? I can answer a few questions, but we were about to go eat.” Vel says with a smile, even though she believes she knows their true intentions.
“Of course you would be on your way to eat,” One chuckle,, flipping her hair, “Anyway, we want you to leave our oppas and go back to your poor life before you were a gold digger and was being beaten as you deserved.” The leader snaps and Vels eyes pop open, “Where would you ever get the impression that I am a gold digger?” Vel gaps, completely shocked by the accusation. “She kind of can’t be, her and Sanha have been dating for over three years since before he was even a trainee, let alone an idol.” Amber says with a shrug and Vel frowns, “I was going to talk about that at the interview tomorrow.” She whines.
“What about your “brother” are you lying about that? Did you fake documents or something?” One in the back asks sassily and Vel shakes her head, “I didn’t even know the name of my father until I met him in the airport when he said his name and told me to go with Hobi oppa.”
The upset girls from the back frown even more and step around the gaping ones, “We are fans of your brothers and boyfriends group, but we have been fans of you for a while.” The small, round-faced one says, “How could you be a fan of me?” Vel asks, confused since she didn’t think there was a way for people to know much about her without watching the few short videos she was featured in with one of the boys. “Jade talks about you a lot during her streams and when you were exposed to the media, Jade confirmed that you were the friend she had been telling us stories about.” Vels jaw drops as her eyebrows raise, ignoring her slight dizziness to continue speaking. “Well, I’m going to have to talk to her about revealing my existence, but is there anything else you wanted?” She asks, ignoring as Got7 runs in with security. “Can we have a picture?” The tenish looking girl whispers shyly, holding out a Polaroid camera towards Vel, who grins and grabs it, squatting down to her height and pulling the other two girls into the frame before snapping the picture.
“Is everything alright over here?” The security guard asks and Amber nods, “I believe so, but I think these ladies need an escort to their destination.” The llama woman states with a smirk as the guard easily guides the growling girls out of the store. “We have to go, our sister is in that group.” The small one says, hugging Vel before running off with her sisters. “Vel, are you okay? You look really pale.” Youngjae frets and the teen shakes her head, “My blood sugar is dropping, so I need to eat before I faint.” Vel groans, grabbing onto the omegas arm as she starts to sway. Youngjae is quick to wrap his arms around her waist and support her as she waddles over to the bench and uses him for balance as she sits down. “Yugyeom, can you please run and get some juice or a sugary drink of some sort? She will puke up whatever she eats if we don’t get her stable first.” The omega asks and starts rubbing Vels hands to calm her down.
“Jaejae, I’m gonna pass out.” Vel whimpers before her eyes roll into the back of her head and she falls forward into Youngjae's arms. “Lay her on her side.” Amber says, rushing over with a wet cloth, helping place the girl on her side on the bench before placing the cloth on Vels neck which causes said girls eyes to snap open, “That was cold.” She mumbles, not bothering to try sitting up as Yugyeom runs over with a boba tea and a straw, “This was the only thing I didn’t have to wait for.” He says, stabbing the lid and squatting down to help Vel steady herself as she drinks.
“Is everything alright over here?” An odd looking woman asks, stepping over to the group of idols, “Is there anything I can do?” Jinyoung is quick to shake his head, “She is fine, she just got distracted and her blood sugar dropped.” The Got7 mom says and she grins, “I noticed, but I also noticed that my best friend and ex-girlfriend was surrounded by a pack of werewolves and a Valkyrie.” She laughs before walking past the shocked males, “Unicorn, why haven’t you been answering my emails? I have here for two weeks trying to get you to tell me where you live, but you never respond.” '
Vels had snaps up at the sound of the familiar voice, “Jade!” She exclaims, going to push herself up for a hug, but Jade glares and pushes her back down. “Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean I won’t slap you upside the head for being stupid.”
“Hey, be nice to me, you’re going to marry my brother in a few years. But anyway, I think my email got hacked, because I tried messaging you back, but ended up deleting the account because I was getting some really creepy messages and nothing else was coming through.” Vel says and holds her arms up, “Now help me up, I need to pee and eat.”

“So you got me a fanbase through something called Twitch?” Vel asks as she slowly eats her knife noodle stir-fry, everyone else still shocked at how the human knew their species when Vel obviously didn’t tell them since she had only known about Amber for two days. “Yeah, they asked about who I looked up to and past relationships, so you up in conversation quite a few times. You   as Glitter until you and Sanha revealed your pregnancy and people started asking if you were the same person because I had mentioned how you were a kpop idol and dating a different idol.” Jade shrugs and Vel groans, “Now I have to have Sejin make sure I don’t contradict any of your stories!”
“Speaking of, you’re having a boy and he will be fully grown in about two weeks, so either you’re giving birth early, or suffering from a giant baby whenever he comes out.” Jade shrugs and Vel groans while Youngjae gaps, “How do you know all of this stuff without being told?” The omega asks and Jade smirks, looking to Vel so the younger mother can explain, “She has premonitions… Which is my fault because I said a spell wrong, so now she occasionally sees the future instead of being able to change her hair color with a simple thought.” Vel mumbles  and Jade turns to Youngjae, “By the way, if you don’t want pups from your next heat, I suggest you find a better birth control.”

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