May 26

43 1 0

“Is that an engagement ring?” Jade gasps as Hoseok holds her by the waist to keep her from pouncing on his sister. “Yup, he gave it to her at his parent's house and then they came home and had their own little celebration without clothes. The celebration they have been having every night for the past two weeks” Hoseok says and Jade turns red when her boyfriend pecks her neck, “But we were-”

“Yup, at about the same time, Seokjin yelled at me when I went to grab your chai.” Hoseok chuckles and Jade gasps, “Isn’t that basically an orgy? Two couples going at it at once?”

“Maybe if we had been in the same room, we can try in a few months when I’m not pregnant anymore.” Vel groans from her bed, sitting up and ignoring when her blanket falls, showing her naked chest and belly.  “You have no shame.” Jade murmurs before breaking free of her boyfriend's grip and jumping into the bed to hug Vel, “And you had sex with my brother. Your point?”

“Touch'e.” Jade says and hugs her friend, ignoring the growls beside them, “Go away and wait until we are dressed.” Sanha growls, grabbing Vel and pulling her against him, causing Jade to fall off the bed. “I am not getting dressed today.”

“And that is that Jade, get your picture so we can go out on our date,” Hoseok says and Jade rolls her eyes, pulling the blanket up to cover Vels chest and placing the girls hand over her mates that rested on the baby bump before snapping a picture that clearly showed off her engagement ring. “I’m announcing your engagement.”
"Good, it has been days and none of us have."

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