March 11

50 2 0

“How and when do we announce the pregnancy?” Vel asks as Astro, BTS, the managers and company owners stand around the meeting table at Bighit office. Everyone in the room was aware of health problems, and species, so there was no worry about things getting out. It had been two weeks since conception and they decided it was time to discuss the situation.
“How much are you showing?” Sejin asks and Vel stands up, lifting her shirt to show her slight bump. “Okay, we can’t get an actual ultrasound, but how about we find a picture of one from a three and a half mark, then post it on BTS twitter with a ‘Uncle Time!’ caption?” PD-Bang suggests and everyone nods, “Do we respond to anything?” Eunwoo asks as Moonbin rubs his hand.
“Let me make that post now, and then we can go out for lunch. We will decide after we eat if we need to, deal?” Hyun-soo says and everyone gives their approval and waits for him to post.
“Alright let’s go. What do you want to eat?” Sejin adds, looking around, his eyes stopping on the pregnant one, “Vel, any input?” He questions and she shakes her head, “I have really bad morning sickness and the idea of food does not help.” She says, hands on her belly as she slouches in her seat.
“Alright, so we all pick up food and go to the park to eat?” PD Bang says and everyone nods before getting up and walking out, ready to ignore Twitter for a few hours.
“Okay, so school might be a little dangerous, so you will only be going for another week before we just have you test out of it since you know all of it,” Sejin says as he and the other managers scroll through comments while Sanha massages his mates hips since they are parting like the red sea. “No arguments there. If Jackie talks to me one more time, my lungs might just give out from the fumes. And walking hurts now, it feels like I am walking with dislocated hips.” Vel mutters, pulling up her shorts and sighing when there is an audible seam tear, “I think we need to go shopping again.” Taehyung mumbles as he eats his ramen.
“Well, while we are here and not being mobbed, let’s check Twitter.” Sejin says and opens his phone and instantly winces, “Well, ARMY’s are excited for BTS-” He says while PD Bang grimaces, “But Arohas are sending mixed signals.” Vel raises an eyebrow before taking out her own phone and going to her and Sanhas account, eyes widening at the number of followers they have and tweets they have been tagged in. “Well, we’re verified.” She mutters, scrolling a little and giggling, “Everyone wants a picture of my belly.”
“Well, pull up your shirt and I take a picture of you three,” Jimin says, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of Vels belly with Sanhas hands cupping it. “So why exactly can’t we go to a doctor and have an ultrasound? All I have to say is that I got pregnant a while ago, right?” Vel asks while Sanha posts the picture, “Well, Sanha is half werewolf, half vampire. Not only will fangs be visible in an ultrasound, but the baby might shift into a wolf and it would be really hard explaining why you are pregnant with a fanged wolf.” Namjoon explains and Vels face contorts in frustration, “That’s gonna hurt~” She whines, sitting up and stretching her arms up. “Well, at least you’re supported. But I think it is time you get home because you are looking a little pale.” Hyunsoo mumbles, squinting at the pregnant girl who sighs while nodding, “Someone help me up, then.” She groans and Sanha stands, pulling her up, but the change in Vel expression has everyone worried.
“Help me back down.” She whispers and as soon as she is sitting again, she lays down and starts breathing deeply and slowly while Sanha pets her hair, not knowing what else to do. After a few minutes, she groans, “That sucked, maybe pick me up and set me on my feet.” She mutters and Sanha carefully does so before nuzzling her neck, “What just happened?” He asks and she pulls away, rolling her eyes, “I fainted, there is just a lot stressing my body out, so my blood pressure screwed up.” She explains, shrugging it off before waddling away to link arms with her brother, “We need to have sibling bonding time.”

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