March 17

35 2 0

“We’re home and have friends with us!” Vel yells as she waddles in, Chaeyoung right behind her as the boys walk in to set their stuff down before running off to the gaming room. “Want to tell me why the school dean called and wants you to take the tests tomorrow and online instead of going to school?” Seokjin scolds, his arms crossed over his aproned chest as he leans against the kitchen doorway.
“The Queenka started insulting Velda and then challenged her to a fight!” Chaeyoung exclaims and Vel slaps her face, “You weren’t supposed to tell the adults that will overreact, especially three days after the incident.” The teen mom groans as Jin takes a moment to process what he was told before screeching.  “But Jungkook was more protective than Sanha was! If your mate isn’t going to act as your alpha, you need to have the betas to protect you! Plus, she tried to jump on you today, but I think Eunbin held her back.”
Vel instantly raises her hands, “I don’t want to know how you know about the alpha, beta, omega system, maybe this weekend. But for now, we need to video chat Nancy, Eric, and Bomin so we can start that art project.” Vel groans, going to the pantry and looking around for something that doesn’t make her feel like gagging. “Listen, I know you don’t like meat, but since you have a vampire-wolf child growing in you, I thought you should try it. I don’t want you getting sick because everything you eat, the baby doesn’t like.” Seokjin says, pulling out some already cooked steak and chicken.
“That stuff made me puke before I was pregnant. I want a certain food, I just have no idea what the name is because my hormones are affecting my memory.” Vel states as Chaeyoung wraps her in a hug and cuddles her. “Well, I got decaf chai tea mix for you and Sanha said you may be able to keep down something called Chipotle, so I looked it up and we are having a Korean variation of Mexican food.”

“WHERE IS MY NEW FAVOURITE?” Jackson yells as he bursts through the front door with five members of Got7 behind him with annoyed expressions. “Ah, Jackson. What a wonderful surprise.” Namjoon says sarcastically before laughing loudly and hugging his friend. “Where are my adopted daughter and future grandchild?” The fake blond asks with an excited grin, ignoring as all of BTS plus Sanha walk in. “She went upstairs with Chaeyoung a few hours ago, so we need to be quiet in case they are sleeping, but I can take you to go see them.” Sanha says and Jackson eagerly nods, following behind while the more mature ones wait a few minutes, “Maybe Mark should go too, just to make sure Vel doesn’t light Jackson on fire for scaring her.” Jin suggests and all of the newcomers eyes widen before the hyung line of Got7 run upstairs after Jackson.
“She is so cute!” Jackson squeals peeking through the door while Sanha walks to the bedside where Vel was adorably curled into Chae-young's side, sleeping under the covers. “Velda, you need to wake up now~” Sanha coos, gently stroking his mates hair. “She may not be able to get out of bed.” Chaeyoung says softly, “Her belly was cramping really bad earlier after she puked. I had to carry her to the bed because she couldn’t stand up.”
“Not hungry, just want cuddles from unnie.” Vel whines, snuggling deeper down. “We can send Jackson to China to get star fruit and guava.” The pregnant girls head perks up at the mention of the fruits before she pushes herself up and grabs her glasses to look at the doorway at stare at the rest of Yugyeom's group. “I didn’t gag at the thought, so go get them.” Vel grumbles, going to lay back down before freezing, contemplating something, and running to the bathroom.
“Maybe we should put her in a coma and let her sleep through the next two months of pregnancy.” Seokjin mumbles, walking in with a bowl of ice and a cup of what looks to be ginger ale. “I will go get my daughter the sustenance she requires!” Jackson screams, running out of the room while everyone listens for him to slam the door on his way out. After a few minutes, Vel walks out of the bathroom with wet hair and an annoyed expression. Probably due to her lack of previously worn leggings. “I am so done with these fucking bodily functions.” She growls and Jin's eyes narrow as he mentions her cussing. “If you try to censor me one more time, I will cuss you out in every language I know.”
Vel then walks into her closet to find a new pair of pants and underwear, “So who wants to tell me the species of Got7 members?” She yells while getting dressed. “Varying ranks of werewolves. Jaebum, Jackson, and Mark are alphas. Youngjae is our omega, and us three are betas.” Bambam states and Vel gasps, bouncing out of her closet, “The ranks are a thing? Do they give certain abilities or authority?”
“How about you put some pants on, and we talk about it over dinner? Jackson just parked in the driveway, so that means there is something you should be able to eat.”
“Why can’t I sit next to my daughter?” Jackson whines as Vel keeps herself wedged between Youngjae and Chae-young, “When was I adopted?” Vel asks, nibbling on her guava slices while everyone prepares their own food. “When I found out about your existence. Now, what do you want for your baby? I will get you anything you want!”
“How about you explain to me the wolf rank system and what it means?” Vel suggests with a grin and watches as Youngjae stares at Jaebum for a moment before grinning and turning towards the door, “Okay, so I am the omega of the pack, which means I am everyone's mate and the weakest. Alphas are the strongest and just the tone of their voice can cause me to fall to the ground in submission if it is necessary for the tone to be used. The rank system is actually part of any species of supernatural creature like you are an omega with the willpower needed to be mated to an alpha.”
“Okay, sounds fun, but I believe I am in need of a mental vacation.”

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