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Keiko had officially become known to most of the students in the school. She had taken a more permanent job treating the injuries that didn't necessarily require Recovery Girl's power. They had been advised by the principal to do this, as he was aware that one day they wouldn't have her healing at their disposal.

Most students that she saw were the hero course students, who had things from burn and scrapes to dislocations and nasty cuts.

The longer healing process was also a type of punishment, she guessed after seeing many of the same students each day.

The pager on the wall lit up, and Recovery Girl sighed. "Oyama, could you make sure the furthest bed is set up? Make sure to move the divider."

Placing a bookmark in her textbook, the girl stood and made her way over, wondering why they weren't going to use one of the closer beds. Just as she finished setting up the divider, the door slid open.

"He short circuited again." Keiko walked closer to see two students she had yet to meet. There was a girl with bobbed purple hair and headphone jacks coming from her earlobes. She was holding a boy by the corner of his sleeve.

He had bright yellow hair and a black lighting bolt on the side. There was an almost blank look on his face, and he made no sign of recognizing anything.

"Thank you Jiro," Shuzenji spoke up. "He'll be sent back to class once he's returned to normal."

The girl nodded and left, leaving Keiko to guide the boy to the closed off bed. She was confused, wondering if there was something they were to do.

"That is Denki Kaminari. His electricity quirk often works against him," the grey haired woman said. "There isn't much to do but wait for him to recover."

"How long does that normally take?" she questioned.

"That depends on far over his limit he went."

"What if we plugged him in?" Keiko wondered.

"What?" The older woman looked at the girl with a confused look.

"Well, you said he had an electric quirk. I'm assuming that he released a decent amount of energy. So he has a dead battery, hence his less conscious state," Keiko tries to explain. "If we plugged him in, I wondered if that would recharge his energy quicker."

Her mentor began to think. Keiko hoped that she didn't sound completely insane.

"Perhaps," she said. "If you do, I would keep watch over him to make sure nothing goes wrong."

She nodded, and grabbed her bag before approaching the boy's bed. He was sitting on the sheet, staring at the wall. Adjusting the stood at his bedside, the blonde dug out her phone charger and plugged it in.

Her eyes scanned over the boy, thinking of where would be the best place to possibly charge the boy. With pursed lips, she gently placed it between his lips and sat back.

There was no immediate change, so she pulled out one of her textbooks and began to read the page. Here and there she would glance up to check on the boy. Luckily, no one else seemed to come in as she observed the hero student.

"What the-?" The sudden exclimation caused Keiko to look up. Sitting on the bed, Kaminari looked much more awake and aware. Holding the cord between his fingers, he stared at it in confusion.

Keiko glanced at the clock with a smile. "Welcome back."

Ignoring the cord, he looked to her. "How long was I out?"

"Well, you've been here for about ten minutes honestly," she told him. He sat still as she checked his vitals to make sure everything was still going good.

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