{{Babysitting Pt.1 - Kai - Exo}}

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*You are Kai's sister

You were frantically trying to clean the house. Your brother was coming over for dinner and the house was a mess thanks to Dohyun.

"Mom? When is Kai getting here?" He asked, peaking around the corner.

"Honorifics, son. Uncle Kai will be arriving in 15 minutes. Please get dressed." You said still cleaning. His round face went away to get ready.

The 4 year old boy was a handful on your own. Kai helped out as much as possible. With his busy schedule, his help was scarce. Dohyun's father passed away in a car accident a year after he was born. Kai helped you financially but you still had to work.


"Kai, I can't let you do that."

"Well I'm going too. I don't want you to have to work 2 jobs. Dohyun lost his father he doesn't need to lose you too."

"Thank you Kai. I love you."

"No problem Noona."

*End of Flashback*

"Noonaaaa. Dohyuuuun." You heard a voice say from downstairs. You saw Dohyun run towards Kai, both were giggling.

You stood in the doorway, smiling at the two. Kai had Dohyun wrapped in his arms. Dohyun and Kai were practically the same person.

Kai looked up and noticed you. "Oh, hey sis!" He said smiling more.  He let go of the small boy who dragged him into the kitchen.

The two boys messed with each other when you weren't looking. They would drop things in each other's drinks or fling food at each other.

You looked up and saw a plop of mashed potatoes mid flight. The boys were like deer in headlights. You held your finger in front of his threateningly.

You smirked and dropped your roll in his drink with your other hand. Both their jaws fell and they looked at each other.

You leaned over to the table in Kai's face and whispered, "It's on pretty boy."

"Yes, yes it is." He said before flicking peas at your face. The three of you laughed as you had an all out food war.

You heard your phone ding once the truce was made.


"What is it Noona?" Kai asked cleaning Dohyun's messy face.

"I have a work party tomorrow. I forgot about it. I'm not sure I can get a sitter for the night." You said, now quite frustrated.

"Me and the boys will watch him. We don't have anything tomorrow." Kai offered. He was now in the kitchen cleaning his face.

"Kai, I can't let you do that. Dohyun is too much of a hand full." You said washing the dishes beside him.

"Too late. Ill kidnap him if I have to."

"Kai, that's kinda illegal."

"Eh. It's not like they can arrest me."

"Actually, Jongin, they can."

"Oh. Well you are going to drop him off before you get ready. You need some time to yourself. He can spend the night too." Kai said quietly as to not let Dohyun hear.

"I guess..."

"YOU HEAR THAT DOHYUN! YOUR STAYING THE NIGHT WITH ME TOMORROW!" Kai yelled to the small boy. The boy started running around in excitement.

He's in over his head...

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