Chapter 25: Together

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I'm very sorry for my update schedule being so inconsistent. Gomenasai!

Third Person's POV

"I did what?" Kokoro asks.

"You kissed me. On the lips." Mitsuru repeats.

"Oh my God." Kokoro covers her mouth with her hands as she rests against a shelve. "I can't believe I actually did that."

"Yeah, you said that." Mitsuru murmurs.




"So..." Kokoro quietly begins. "That's the reason of why you have been avoiding me?"


"You hesitated." Kokoro affirms.

"N-No, I didn't." Mitsuru stutters.

Kokoro raises an eyebrow and looks straight into his eyes the most time she could. The truth is that she didn't want to face him; when he said that she had kiss him, all what Kokoro wanted to do was to find a hole and hide. But if she had done something more, she needed to know.

"Kokoro..." Mitsuru begins as looks to his side, a small blush dusted on his cheeks. "I think that this is enough."

"No." Her eyes were determined and her face red. "I need to know."

Mitsuru takes a glance at her before scratching his cheek. "Well, you kinda... confessed to me."

Kokoro's face went pale. "W-What?"

"You said that you l-loved me."

And then there was silence. At least in the outside because inside Kokoro's head there was a great mix of thoughts.

How could I say that? The damn alcohol... I won't ever drink it again! So, in the end, I kissed him and confessed? This couldn't be worst! Now it's obvious why he was avoiding me.

Wait... He was avoiding me... because he doesn't feel the same way?

Kokoro's eyes lost her shine and her face went sad. Mitsuru, who was watching her every action, noticed that.

"L-Look, all is okay. I know that I should have told you sooner but I didn't know how to say it. You don't need to be sad, I'm not mad."

Kokoro stayed silent, fidgeting with her thumps.

The girl bows to Mitsuru's surprise. "I'm truly sorry for what I did. I supposed that it upset you to be kissed by a girl you don't even like romantically. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Kokoro doesn't even give him time to react before rushing out of the library.

Mitsuru looks at the now empty space in front of him as he passes through his mind, remembering her face when she walked past him.

She was... crying.

And it's my fault.

The brown haired boy didn't even think twice before start running. He went to the one place he knew she would be to calm down.

"Kokoro?" Mitsuru calls at the girl who kneeled before some flowers at the school's greenhouse.

The girl lifts her hand to her face. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk. Why are you like that? I told you everything was fine." The girl stayed quiet. "It's  not like you actually love me or someth-"

"That's not true!" Kokoro yells as she gets up, looking directly into Mitsuru's eyes. The boy's eyes widen as he realizes that she was actually crying.

"I really tried to. I really did. But I can't ignore my feelings anymore. Even my sub consciousness knows how I truly feel." Kokoro puts a hand at her heart's place and makes a sad smile. "I love you, Mitsuru. And this time I know what I am saying."

Mitsuru's eyes widen even more as he feels blood rushing to his cheeks. "K-Kokoro..."

"It's okay you don't feel the same way. I planned on hiding this feelings from you but I wasn't expecting that you would distance yourself from me for no reason. However, I know the reason now. It must have been a real pain what I did, wasn't it?"

"What... are you saying?" Mitsuru slowly asks. "A pain? No. I just... didn't know how to deal with these feelings..."

Kokoro's ears perk up. "Feelings?"

"I don't know how to deal with them. At first, I thought we couldn't be together because Futoshi liked you; but he seems to like Hana now. And so, I started making excuses for us not to be together because I... because I... I'm afraid of this feeling." Mitsuru repeats Kokoro's gesture and places a hand on his heart.

Now it Kokoro's eyes turn to widen as her heart seemed to be about to explode with anxiety.

"I don't think I'm following you, Mitsuru." The girl murmurs.

"I don't know what to do. I never felt this way before. I'm afraid I'll screw up everything and then I'll lose you. I... I don't want to hurt you, Kokoro. But it seems that I did it anyway. I'm sorry, Kokoro, I really am." Mitsuru makes a pained expression and Kokoro's eyes grow soft.

"So that means... that you love me?" She murmurs.

A pink blush dusted over Mitsuru's cheeks. "Yes..."

Kokoro starts walking towards him. "And you say that you don't know what to do because you never felt this way before? So you chosen to avoid me?"

Mitsuru couldn't meet her gaze and just nodded.

Kokoro finally reaches the boy and places her hand above the boy's one as she intertwines their fingers to Mitsuru's surprise.

She makes a warm smile. "Then I guess we can find how to deal with this feelings together, can't we?"

"Together?" Mitsuru repeats.

Kokoro closes her eyes and nods. "Yes."

She is just adorable. Mitsuru places a hand on her face, making the girl open her eyes.

She blushed at the way he was looking at her and slowly closed her eyes as the boy leaned in.

Both of them couldn't ask for more than being finally together.

How I love this ship~

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