Chapter 18: A Brilliant Idea

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Hiro's POV

"S-Scars?" Zero Two stutters. "O-Oh, yeah, they are."

I frown. "How did you made them?"

She plays with her hair on her fingers. "A couple years ago I had to be operated and this are the scars from the surgery."

"Oh, okay. But why did you need to be operated?"

Zero Two avoids my eyes. "That's personal."

"I thought that we were supposed to trust each other as a couple." I comment.

She waves her hands and places them on my chest. "It's not that I don't trust you, Hiro. It's just that the surgery is a small part of a bigger story and I don't want to say it right now. I want to have fun today and with you."

I stare at her eyes for a few seconds and I knew that she was being sincere. I take a long sigh. "Okay, but one day I want to hear that story."

She hesitates. "Fine." She finally agrees.

I give her a quick peck on the cheek. "Great! Now let's go." I intertwine my fingers with hers and drag her along near to our friends.

I didn't notice the sad face that she had along the way.


"Come on, Hiro! Don't be such a coward." Zero Two yells as she splashes water onto me but I quickly dodge it.

"I'm not being a coward! That water is just too cold." I retort.

"I think is great."

"But that's because you are weird!" I shout and she laughs and dives underwater.

Honestly, how can this girl be okay in this freezing water? She was the only one on the sea; the other were playing volleyball or reading or just by the shore.

One minute passes and Zero Two didn't came to the surface. Why was she taking so long?

I nervously tap my foot on the sand as I count the seconds. I start panicking internally.

What if she's drowning?

That single thought was enough to make me run to the water and dive in search of Zero Two. Even though I don't like, I open my eyes in the water. I turn my face around but she's nowhere to be seen. Then, I feel something on my shoulder and I quickly see a flash of pink in front of me. Zero Two was looking at me with questioning eyes and I sigh from relief. Which wasn't a great idea since it caused me to swallow the salty water.

I swim to the surface as quickly as I could and start coughing. Zero Two appears at my side.

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" Her face was worried as she place a hand on my shoulder.

After a few more coughs, I try to make a smile. "I'm fine. It's just that you weren't coming to the surface and I got worried."

"So you dove into the cold water because of me?"

I look at my side, embarrassed. "Y-Yeah, it's not like I was getting to let you drown or something."

"Drown? Of course not. It's just that I'm pretty good at enduring my breath underwater."

"Great, now I manage to look like a fool." I murmur.

She cups my face with her two hands and shakes her head, looking at me with warm eyes. "You are no fool. You thought that I might have been in trouble so you came to rescue me. I think that that is pretty brave. It just shows how much you like me."

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