Chapter 15: Announcement

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Third Person's POV

"The first thing to learn how to master martial arts is to have a clear mind and a precise objective. Every attack, in those cases, has to be thrown with a certain purpose; not just punch randomly. You have to detect your opponent's weaknesses, even in a short time." Marco explained. "For example, a big guy will have trouble in handling with someone shorter because that person, usually, is more agile and light. Of course, men have all the same on weakness and I think that we all know which is." Marco smirked and the class laughed.

"Now, me and Zero Two will exemplify some attacks and defenses. Zero Two, if you please." Marco gestured to the space in front of him and so she went.

"Begin!" Saito commanded.

Zero Two launched herself forward, her fist hand aiming for Marco's stomach. He quickly dodged and grabbed her hand. The girl uses her other hand, that goes to Marco's neck, and with her legs, she lifts herself up and in quick movements, she ends up in Marco's back. The teacher releases her hand, trying to push her away.

"She seems like a pro." Zorome whispers to Hiro.

"Yeah..." Hiro was too hypnotized by his girlfriend's performance. She was amazing. He never knew that she could fight like this. He made a mental note to never go into a fight with her.

Marco lows himself and throws Zero Two to the mattress. She quickly gets up and before she could something else, Marco signalizes her to stop.

"You are pretty good, Zero Two. Where did you learn to move like that?"

She smiles. "I had a great teacher!"

"Very well." Marco turns to face the class. "Everyone get up and make pairs. Me and Saito will make a duo and you will copy us."

The class got up and the pairs started to be made. Hiro went to Zero Two. "Would you pair with me?" He asks.

She moves her hands to her hips and says in a cocky tone:

"I think that I could easily put you in a hospital if you can't keep up with me."

Hiro smirks. "Let's see."

Marco started giving orders while exemplifying with Saito. All the students were attentive and were trying to copy the two teachers with their best. Ones were better and others worse, but what was important was to learn the defending basis.

When Hiro lifted his fist while aiming to Zero Two's face as Marco was doing, she quickly grabbed it.

"Hey, I'm just doing what he is doing."

"I know but if you think too much on your next move, then your opponent will have an advantage. Marco also said that you have to use your instincts." Zero Two goes behind Hiro's back and joins their arms, grabbing his hand.

"Z-Zero Two, what are you doing?" Hiro asks as his cheeks start to get pink.

"Marco said that if I wanted, I could help my pair in other ways. Since you are mine, that's what I'm doing." She said at Hiro's ear, her breath tickling it.

"O-Oh, okay..." That's all what he could say.

"You have to have in attention your opponent's height and weight. Each thing affects their agility." With his hand in hers, she moves theirs arms back and then with force, she launches forward. "You're slim and tall so you have an advantage against many people. If you train correctly, you could be very good. But since this is only to learn the basis, that's what we are going to do." She walks to be in front of him. Once again, Zero Two lifts his hand so that it is right in front of her face.

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