Chapter 10: Red

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Third Person's POV

Morning came too soon for all the students in Franxx school. Even for the teachers.

The dance had lasted longer than anticipated and now, they were all facing the consequences. Some were still sleeping; others had huge headaches; and other had danced so much that were incapable of moving. Luckily, it was Saturday.

Little by little, the students came down to take their breakfast. Then, they would eventually return to their rooms.

Zero Two had combined to meet with the rest of the girls in Kokoro's bedroom. She had received a message from her saying to meet with them there. And so she went, after picking a bread in the cafeteria.

Zero Two only wanted to forget what passed in the ball. She wanted to forget with all her might. But she couldn't. Now, she just wanted to have something else to occupy her mind for the rest of the morning.

That thing came but, she preferred that wouldn't have came because it mean Miku suffering.

Zero Two knocked three times at Kokoro's bedroom door. In that moment, Ichigo and Ikuno appeared when they closed their own door.

"You received the message too?" Ikuno asks and Zero Two nod.

The door opens. "I'm glad that you are all here." Kokoro sighs in relief and opens more the door. "Please come in."

"What's wrong, Kokoro?" Ichigo questions.

"That." Kokoro points at one of the beds.

Miku was sitting at her bed, her head in the middle of the arms, which were over the legs.

The three girls look at her, shocked.

"What happened?!"

"It has to do with yesterday, Miku?" Ikuno asks with worried face. Miku nods lightly.

"What happened yesterday?"

"Why is she like that?"

"Are you injured or something?"

"Hey, calm down, calm down." Kokoro says. "She is perfectly fine. Well, physically. She asked me to explain for you since... well, she can't do that right now."

And so Kokoro explained. The girl's eyes widened as the explanation went on and, in the end, all of them had a mix of sadness and angry in their faces.

"Zorome is a total idiot." Zero Two says. "Has he no feelings? How could he do this, in that way? Without thinking about Miku's feelings?"

Ichigo nods. "Yeah, he is. I thought that he was more mature but it seems that I was wrong."

"He is reckless." Ikuno intervenes.

They all stoped when they hear a sniff. They look over to Miku who was trembling and crying. Immediately, they go to her and hug her tightly. Miku did nothing but she appreciated the gesture.

"Sorry." Zero Two whispered. "This is probably what you don't want to hear right now."

Miku nods again slightly. Then, she looks up and makes a tentative of a smile. She failed.

"It's just that... I don't know what to feel about him. All we do is arguing every day. But I like his company, as it weird as it sounds. But he can be completely stupid when he wants! As if that wouldn't be enough, it was my first kiss." She sobs lightly and the girls hug her more tightly. "I wanted it to be perfect. To enjoy it. Nothing of that happened... All because of him!"

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