"You sure you guys don't want anything?" She asked.

"We're good." Kick said.

"But we'll gladly help you tend to the injured." Dipper said.

"Hey has anyone seen Steven?" Tuck asked.

"I'll go find him." Frida said.

Steven was by himself sulking, feeling a mixture of confusion, fear, and sadness. He couldn't believe it. Was that woman he had seen really his wife? She looked like her, she sounded like her, yet her eyes. They were not as they were. He would never forget the look in her eyes on the evening he had proposed to her.

Three years ago...

"Where are you taking me?"

Connie was blindfolded and Steven was leading her upstairs somewhere.

"You'll see, it's a surprise." He told her.

They contiued to walk up the stairway until at last they reached their destination. Steven then removed her blindfold and a bright light of wonder filled her eyes when she saw where they were.

They were on top of Buckingham Palace and the entire city lit up making it look like a thousand stars shinning from below. London truly was most beautiful at night.

"Isn't it the most beautiful view you've ever seen?" He asked her.

"Yes." She said smiling. "It is, oh Steven it's wonderful."

"There's more."

He then directed her attention over to a table with two chairs that was set with flowers, a candle light dinner, the fine china and sliver, and a wine cooler.

"Oh Steven you shouldn't have."

"You don't like it?"

"No it's not that. It's just that...This must've cost a fortune."

"Hey if it's for you it's worth it. Now then let's dine."

He took her arm and ushered her over to the table. He then pulled out her chair for her and pushed it in when she sat down. He then poured her a glass of wine, they shared a cheers and began to dine together.

"Steven this is incredible but what's the occasion?" Connie asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on you know. You paid a lot for this and I wanna know why? At first I thought you were celebrating another successful hunt but you've never done something like this for your other successes so what is it?"

Steven swallowed nervously then after a moment of silence he stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled something out.

"Connie let me ask you something. Do you love me?"

"Of course I do. I always have, ever since you first stepped into my classroom to educate my students on the history of vampires and vampire hunting."

"Right I remember that and believe it or not it was the same way for me. When I came there I expected the school mistress to be some cranky old lady not a beautiful young woman."

She blushed.

"And I remember when I tried to ask you out to dinner but I got tongue tied." He said.

"Yes so I had to ask you out to dinner."

"And we've been together ever since then and now...Now I think it's time that we ensure that we're always together."

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