The Vytal Festival

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Time for the start of Volume 3.


"What a spectacular match, everyone!"

The Vytal Festival was in full swing. Students from the other three hunter schools all gathered in Vale for this momentous occasion.

Professors Port and Oobleck were commentating over the battle below.

"Two spectacular teams, RWBY of Beacon and ABRN of Haven are battling with extreme skill! Wouldn't you agree?" asked Port.

"Most certainly! All combatants are skilled, so this will be quite the match!"

(y/n) watched on from the stadium above, munching on popcorn and watching Team RWBY fight their opponents.

"Oh!!!" yelled Port, "A devastating blow by Yang Xiao Long! Three out with one punch! This means we have a winner!"

"Indeed!" said Oobleck, "Team RWBY is victorious!"

Team RWBY walked the fairgrounds, celebrating their victory.

"We did it!" yelled Ruby joyfully.

After a small friendly conversation with Emerald and Mercury, Team RWBY left in search of food.

"I just... how can they be so happy... All the time?" asked Emerald angrily.

"Play nice," said Mercury, "Did you at least get what we wanted?"

"It's the heiress and the bimbo," said Emerald, waving off his question.

"Alright, then... Hey! Look over there!"

Mercury pointed over to Team JNPR walking around the fairgrounds with (y/n) in tow.

"He's putting on quite the show, isn't he?" asked Mercury.

"Oh, he is... I wonder what he'll think of this when this is all over..."


"Declined?!" said Weiss surprisingly, "How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!"

The annoyed shopkeep of the small restaurant took back the food that was given to them, despite Blake's protests.

"Maybe I could help..."

The girls turned behind them to see Pyrrha with the rest of Team JNPR, with (y/n) not far behind.

"Aww... You don't have to..." said Yang.

"But she could!!" yelled Blake.

"Well, I think you've earned it after that battle," said Pyrrha.

"Mind if we join you?" asked Jaune.

After a lot of eating, everyone was either content with their meal of holding their stomachs sickly.

"Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?" asked Pyrrha.

"Of course!" said Pyrrha as the shopkeep quickly cleaned up the bowls, "It'll give us energy!"

"If I barf, I'm blaming you..." muttered Jaune sickly.

"So you think you guys are ready?" asked Ruby.

As Nora went on about something like an eternal shame if they lost, Blake looked to (y/n), who was sitting next to her.

He was staring off into space.

Her hand trailed over to his, and the contact snapped him out of his trance.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded.

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