The First Encounter

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Patient Zero stood on the bullhead with Team RWBY, Yuri and the Weeping Willow on hand as they traveled to their destination. 

"It's your first mission, Zero! Aren't you excited!" Ruby shouted over the roar of the plane's engine. 

"He has a name, you know," said Blake condescendingly.

"(y/n), wasn't it?" asked Weiss. 

The young man nodded as he fiddled with the small firearm in his hand 

"We're just about here!" yelled the pilot, "prepare to drop!" 

"Just stick with us and you'll be alright," said Blake in a rather calm voice. 

"Yeesh, why'd we have to bring this one with us?" asked Yang. 

"Ozpin said he needs some fresh air," said Weiss as the landing doors to the ship opened, "And something else to kill besides you or any other student."


"Why not kill him and be done with it?" asked Glynda. 

She was meeting with Ozpin privately. 

"As much as I want to, he's still human... I believe that there's still a part of him in there... Fighting... I could never forgive myself if I acted so rashly as to take someone's life without giving them a chance..." 

"You know just as well as I do, Ozpin. He's unstable. Set to snap." 

"I know... Our Modern Prometheus will have to keep fighting for just a bit longer." 


The five young students watched as the bullhead flew away, leaving them in an abandoned and ruined city. 

"I never liked it here..." muttered Weiss, "The air... These buildings..." 

"I get the feeling..." said Ruby as she looked around at the once-thriving city.

"This was once a city... A place where humans and Faunus alike could gather... And look at it now..." whispered Blake. 

 "All the more reason that we have to clear out this place so we can start a new," said Yang as she looked up at the darkened skies. 

A bloodcurdling roar came out from beyond, stirring everyone. 

"They can't be too far off now," said Blake, "That Grimm nest needs to be cleared out." 

"Be careful, everyone," warned Ruby. 

The 5 continued to trek through the remnants of the city, waiting in silence for something to come out and attack them.

Crow cawed above as they circled the team above as if they were waiting for them to drop dead for a bite to eat. 

Suddenly, an Ursa ripped through the side of a building as it spotted the group in front. 

It roared and prepared to attack, but stopped in its tracks. 

A loud crack emanated in the air as the creature dropped dead. 

The girls turned around to see that (y/n) had fired his pistol, killing it with a shot to the heart. 

He sighed heavily from his mouth as continued to walk forward. 

Not long after, more roars came from the city. 

"Must've been alerted by his gunshot," stated Yang. 

All sorts of Grimm came from the depths of the shattered city. 

The 5 weapon-wielding warriors switched their weapons for long-distance attacks, shooting down the oncoming Grimm before they could reach them.

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