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I don't own RWBY. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth. Insert legal stuff here. 


Team RWBY flew over the Forever Falls on the bullhead, heading towards the White Fang Laboratory.

"So, according to the intel that Glynda gave us..." said Weiss, "The place is called Phoenix Labs. It's a White Fang sanctioned research center. Not much is known about it other than that. Blake? Do you know anything about it?" 

"No... Not really..." replied the cat Faunus, "Adam mentioned it a bit... But... No... Not much." 

"Tch. I prefer if we got a little more information before solo raiding a White Fang base," said Yang, a clear pout on her face. 

"Oh, C'mon Yang!" said Ruby with enthusiasm, "This'll be fine!"

"But I just got my hair done... And it's gonna get messed up!"

"That's what you're worried about? You've got to get your priorities straight, Yang." 

"Shut it, Ice Queen."



Salem approached the young man with a vial of red and black liquid in her hand. 

The boy seemed to shudder and shake as she walked closer to him. 

"Please... No more... No more hurt..." 

"Ah... So you do speak," said Salem. She was now only a foot away from him. 

"Open up, boy." 

Patient Zero didn't move. 

"I won't ask again. Open that mouth of yours."

Patient Zero still didn't move.

Salem let out an audible sigh. 

"Fine. We can do this the hard way."

Salem handed The Good Doctor the vial of liquid and he put it in a syringe. 

He handed it back to Salem and she injected it into Zero's right arm. 

The scientists around the boy began to write furiously on their clipboards and would occasionally whisper to each other. 

The boy showed no reaction, but then he began to quake. 

Soon, the shaking turned into a full-on seizure. The boy screamed at the top of his lungs as he continued to writhe in agony while still in his chains. 

The scientist still continued to write diligently as if nothing was happening in front of them, 

Blood began to seep out of the boy's eyes and ears and nose as he violently thrashed around in the lab. 

His arms began to bend backwards as his screams filled the halls of the facility. 


The pilot of the bullhead dropped Team RWBY down about a mile out from the laboratory. 

Ruby gave a thumbs up to the pilot as he flew away. 

"Ugh. Did he have to drop us all the way out here?" complained Weiss. 

"Would you prefer we get shot down and die" asked Ruby. 


"Then we go the rest on foot."

Team RWBY silently walked through the forest until they came to the lab. 

"This is it" said Blake, "Let's get in there."


Zero's room was filled with a familiar silence as his eventual writhing stopped. 

The surrounding scientists continued to write down notes on paper. 

"Ah. I see." said Salem, "So the essence has merged with your body. How does it feel?" 

Patient Zero looked up to Salem. His eyes were now black and red. 

"Ah. A great success." said Salem with a smile on her face, "I expect... great things from you."

Suddenly, a red alarm blared overhead. 

"They're here." said The Good Doctor. 

"Good. Pull out. Let them come."

"But... is he?"


"Yes, mistress." 


Team RWBY ran through the corridors of Phoenix Labs.

A squad of White Fang soldiers came to try and stopped them, but Team RWBY was quick to deal with them.

Yang punched some of them into a wall while Weiss used her Glyphs to toss some of them around. 

"Where are we trying to get to?" asked Ruby. 

"The center of the Laboratory," said Blake, "If Professor Ozpin is right, there should be an office-type room in the middle. It should have all the intel we need." 

As Team RWBY continued to run down the white halls of Phoenix Labs, they came across two White Fang guards protecting a door. After they knocked them out, they opened the door to reveal a weapons cache. 

Within said Weapons Cache, there were standard machine guns, but there were two items of great interest. 

A small sword and a small pistol. They seemed handcrafted and delicately cared for. 

"Look at these quality babies," said Yang as she held up the two weapons. 

"Yang, put those down. They don't belong to you" said Weiss with a slight scowl. 

"Lighten up, Weiss. They aren't the White Fang's either. They don't put this much thought into weapon design."

"I agree," said Ruby, "We should take them back to Ozpin." 

"Whatever. Let's keep going," said Blake as she walked out of the small closet. 

Team RWBY eventually stumbled upon what seemed to be the center of the facility. 

"This is it," said Ruby. 

She pressed the button to open the door. 

When it opened, they were greeted to a horrible sight. 

Blood. Blood everywhere. 

Black and Red. Strewn across the walls and floors. 

And in the center of it all... 

A young man, chained up by his ankles and wrists.

"Please... Help..."


They call me the Meme Lord

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